10 Tips for Better Conversations at Parties

Birthday Surprise Ideas for Beloved Ones

If you are invited to a party where the only person you know is the host/hostess you might need these tips on making small talk! Small talk can be a big challenge, but a little preparation and confidence is that is needed to get you going.Force yourself to get into small talk situations.

  1. Practice makes perfect! Try conversing with everyone you come across: cashiers, waiters, people you’re standing in a queue with, neighbors, co-workers and kids. Do not restrict your interaction only with those belonging to your age group. Talk to everybody, from seniors to teens to tourists.
  2. Read, Read, Read! Cover cookbooks, newspapers, magazines, music/film reviews, newly released books as well as classics. Everything is a source of information that can be discussed. Join the Indoindians Book Club to meet likeminded people.
  3. Immerse yourself in culture, both high and low. Television, music, sports, fashion, art and poetry are great sources of chat.
  4. Keep a journal. Write down funny stories you hear, beautiful things you see, quotes, and observations.
  5. Talk to yourself in the mirror. Make a random list of topics and see what you have to say on the subjects. The more varied your list, the better.
  6. Make eye contact and smile. This makes you approachable.
  7. Try to find a common ground between you and the person/s you are talking to. Discuss events in the news, places to eat, music or movies you both like. Avoid politics, religion, or other controversial topics.
  8. Be a better listener. Encourage the other person to talk about what interests him or her (that makes your job that much easier!) – work, hobbies are good places to start.
  9. Work on confidence, overcoming shyness and any feelings of stage fright. Remember, the more you know, the more you know you can talk about.
  10. Be yourself. Keep in mind that confidence and humor are superb substitutes for comedic genius or wit. Keep in mind that naughty stories and loose language will be frowned upon in many circles. By the same logic, high funda political or philosophical discourses will be wasted on some.

There are many networking opportunities to explore and fine tune your conversation skills.Do share your tips to be more comfortable socializing in the comments below.