30 minute Home Workout for Everyone of All Levels of Fitness by Gaurav Tiwari

30 minute Home Workout for Everyone of All Levels of Fitness by Gaurav Tiwari

A 30 minute workout for everybody of all ages along with instructions to ensure injury free exercise.


Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, followed by 30 second rest between exercises.

Rest 90 seconds after circuit. | Repeat 5 times

Lunges (alternate legs)
Push ups (on knees)


Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by 15 second rest between exercises.

Rest 90 seconds after circuit. | Repeat circuit 5 times

Lunges (alternate legs)
Push ups


Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, with no rest between exercises.

Rest 90 seconds – 2 minutes after circuit. | Repeat circuit 6 times

Jump Squats
Lunges (alternate legs)
Push ups
V-ups (crunch and leg raise simultaneously)

Extreme (40 minutes)

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, with no rest between exercises.

Rest 90 seconds to 2 minutes after circuit. | Repeat circuit 5 times

Jump Squats
Lunges (alternate legs)
Plyometric Push ups/clap push ups
One arm Plank (left arm)
One arm plank (right arm)
Plank (Both arms)

Key points to remember:

Please ensure that your knees do not get ahead of your toes every time you go down for a squat.
Heels to remain on the ground at all times.
Thighs to be parallel to the ground

A good way to ensure all of the above is to really drag your butt as far back as possible while going down, until thighs are parallel to the floor.

Push ups:
Butt to be level with the rest of your back and your shoulders.
Chest to touch the floor or at least an inch off the floor

See Squat (same principle of knees and the toes)
Back to be straight at all times (think about going down in a straight line)
Both knees to form right angles in a lunge

Butt to be level with the rest of your back and your shoulders.
Squeeze core
Feet to be together except for one arm plank
If possible, perform planks on a soft surface like a yoga mat or the bed

Crunches and V-ups:

Lift shoulders off ground
Squeeze core
For V-ups, do not let the legs hit the ground for the duration of the 30 seconds
If possible, perform V-ups on a soft surface like a yoga mat or the bed


Stretch after every workout if you want to be able to move without wincing the next day. Spend a good 10 minutes stretching all the muscles of your body.

Sip on water after circuits, try not to sip on water between exercises. Never gulp when drinking.

Take deep breaths during rest periods. You will need all that oxygen.

Take pride knowing that your getting stronger with every set, every repetition, every second you spend exercising.

Know that doing 1 circuit or even one exercise is better than doing nothing at all. Your body is extremely precious, take good care of it.

Make the effort to perform this 30 minute work out at least 3 times a week. 5 times, even better. Do not work out when your muscles are sore. You should be able to see significant results within 3-4 weeks provided you follow a good meal plan.

Good luck!

strength and conditioning expert

Gaurav Tiwari