42 Yoga Poses of Common Yoga Protocol of International Day of Yoga

42 Yoga Poses of Common Yoga Protocol of International Day of Yoga
42 Yoga Poses of Common Yoga Protocol of International Day of Yoga

The Ministry of Ayush has developed 42 Yoga poses as common yoga protocol for the IDY

Download the English Common Yoga Protocol of International Day of Yoga  here>>

At a glance the protocol followed during the International Day of Yoga along with the 42 poses are as below:

  1. Prayer
  2. Sadilaja /CālanaKriyas/Loosening Practices
  •  Neck Bending
  • Shoulder’s movement
  • Trunk Movement
  • Knee Movement
  1. Yogāsanas

A. Standing Posture

  • Tādāsana
  • Vrikśāsana
  • Pāda-Hastāsana
  • ArdhaCakrāsana
  • Trikonāsana

 B. Sitting Posture

  • Bhadrāsana
  • Vajrāsana/Veerāsana
  • ArdhaUstrāsana(forbegginners)
  • Ustrāsana
  • Śaśākāsana
  • UtthānaMandūkāsana
  • Marichyāsana / Vakrāsana

 C. Prone Postures

  • Makarāsana
  • Bhujangāsana
  • Śalabhāsana

 D. Supine Postures

  • Śetubandhāsana
  • Uttānapādāsana
  • Ardhahalāsana
  • Pavanamuktāsana
  • Śavāsana
  1. Kapālabhāti
  1. Prānāyāma
  • Nadiśodhana / AnulomaVilomaPrānāyāma
  • ŚītalīPrānāyāma
  • Bhramari  Pranayama
  1. Dhyana
  1. Sankalpa
  1. SantihPātha

Indians in IndonesiaPRAYER

 Yoga should start with prayer.





May you move in harmony;
May you speak in unison;
Let our mind be equanimous like in the beginning;
Let the divinity manifest in your sacred endeavours.


These are Yogic SuksmaVyāyāmas help to increase microcirculation.

  • Forward and backward bending
  • Right and left bending
  • Right and left twisting
  • Neck rotation



  •  Shoulder’s stretch
  • SkandhaCakra (Shoulder rotation)

Benefits: Good for healthy shoulder, helpful in cervical spondylitis and frozen shoulder



Trunk twisting (Katishaktiv Vikasak)


 Benefits: Good for knee and hips joint.



Tadasana (Palm Tree Posture)

Tada means palm tree or mountain. It is a palm tree pose or mountain pose.

Benefits: Brings stability, good for spine, corrects faulty posture, increases height


Vriksasana (The Tree Posture)

Vriksa means tree. It looks like as a tree, hence the name.

Benefits: Improves neuro-muscular coordination, Good for balance and alertness, Tones up the leg muscles, Beneficial for ligaments

Precaution: Avoid in arthritis, vertigo and obesity


Padahastasana (The Hands to Feet Posture)

Pada means feet, hasta means hands. Here, one tries to touch the feet with palms.

Benefits: Spine flexibility, Improves digestion, Prevents constipation, Good for menstrual problems

Precaution: Avoid in cardiac or back problems, abdominal inflammation, hernia and ulcers, and during pregnancy, skip in disc disorders


Ardha Chakrasana (The Half Wheel Posture)

Ardha means half. Chakra means wheel where the body takes the shape of a half wheel.

Benefits: Spine flexibility, Strengthens the neck muscles, Improves breathing capacity, Helps in cervical spondylitis

Precaution: Avoid in vertigo and hypertension


Trikonasana (The Triangle Posture)

Trikona means triangle where Tri means three and kona is an angle.

Benefits:Weight loss, Prevents flat foot, Strengthens leg muscles, Spine flexibility, Improves lungs capacity

Precaution: Avoid in slipped disc, sciatica, and abdominal surgery



Bhadrasana (The Firm/Auspicious Posture)

Benefits:Good for stable mind, Keeps the knees and hip joints healthy, Relieves knee pain, Abdominal relaxation, Eases pain in menstruation

Precaution: Avoid in arthritis and sciatica


Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Posture)

Benefits: Meditative postures, Strengthens thigh and calf muscles, Good for digestion, Healthy spine

Precaution: Don’t practice in piles, knee pain and ankle injury


Ardha Ustrasana(The Half Camel Posture)

Ustra means camel where the back looks like as camel hump

Benefits: Strengthen back and neck muscles, Constipation, Increases blood circulation to head, Useful for cardiac patient

Precaution: Avoid in hernia and abdominal injuries and pregnancy


Ustrasana (Camel Posture)

Ustra means camel where the body resembles that of a camel

Benefits: Useful for defective eyesight, Relieves back pain and neck pain, Reduces fat over the abdomen, Helpful in digestive problems

Precautions: Avoid in high blood pressure, heart disease and hernia


Sasakasana (The Hare Posture)

Benefits: Reduce stress and anger, Tones up reproductive organs, Relieves constipation, Improves digestion

 Precaution: Avoid in backache, Skip in knee injury, Avoid in high blood pressure


UttanMandukasana (Stretched up-frog posture)

Uttāna mean upright and Mandūka means frog. In the final position, it resembles as an upright frog.

 Benefits: Helpful in backache, Improves lungs capacity

Precaution: Avoid in knee joint pain


Vakrasana (The Spinal Twist Posture)

In Vakrasana, the spine is twisted.

Benefits: Increases spinal flexibility, Eases constipation, Stimulates pancreas

Precaution: Avoid in severe back pain, Skip in abdominal surgery and menstruation



Makarasana (The Crocodile Posture)

Here the body looks like as a crocodile

Benefits: Good for relaxation, Treats back pain, Counter stress and anxiety

Precaution: Avoid in low blood pressure, severe cardiac problems, Pregnancy


Bhujangasana (The Cobra Posture)

Here the body resembles like the hood of a snake.

Benefits: Best for stress management, reduces abdominal fat and alleviates constipation, helps to remove backache and bronchial problems

Precaution: Avoid in abdominal surgery, hernia, ulcers


Salbhasana (The Locust Posture)

Benefits: Helps in sciatica and lower backache, Tones the hip muscles, Good for kidney, Helps in weight loss, Good for digestion

Precaution: Avoid having cardiac problems, Avoid in high blood pressure, Skip in peptic ulcers and hernia



Setubandhasana (The Bridge Posture)

The body looks like as a bridge.

Benefits: Relieves depression and anxiety, Strengthens lower back muscles, Improves digestion

Precaution: Avoid in ulcers and hernia, pregnancy


Uttanpadasana (Raised feet posture)

Here the legs are raised upward in supine position, hence, the name.

Benefits:  Balances the navel centre, Helpful for abdominal pain and indigestion, Builds abdominal muscles, Overcomes nervousness and anxiety

Precaution:  Avoid in hypertension


Ardhahalasana (Half plough posture)

This posture is known as Ardhahalasana because in its final position, the body resembles half the shape of an Indian plough.

Benefits:  Beneficial for dyspepsia and constipation, Useful in diabetes and piles, Good for hypertension

Precaution: Avoid in back pain, abdominal injuries


Pavanmuktasana (The Wind Releasing Posture)

It’s a gas releasing pose.

Benefits: Removes constipation, Aids digestion, Tones up the back muscles

Precaution: Avoid in abdominal injuries and hernia


Savasana (The Dead Body Posture)

In the final position, the body resembles like a dead body

Benefits: Relieve all kinds of tensions, Relaxes psycho-physiological system,  Beneficial in the management of stress and its consequences



Benefits: Helps to overcome cough disorders,  Useful in treating cold, rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma and bronchial infections,  Strengthens the nervous system

Precaution: Avoid in cardiac conditions, high blood pressure, vertigo, chronic bleeding in the nose, epilepsy, migraine, stroke, hernia and gastric ulcers



Nadishodhanaor AnulomaViloma Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

Benefits: Purifies nadi’s; thus nourishes the whole body, Induces tranquillity and helps to improve concentration. Increases vitality and lowers the level of stress and anxiety, It elevates cough disorders.


Sitali Pranayama

Sitali is a calming and cooling pranayama.

Benefits: Purifies blood, has cooling effect on body, good in case of blood pressure, relieves indigestion, good for skin and eyes

Precaution: Avoid in cold, cough or tonsillitis


Bhramri Pranayama

Benefits: Relives stress; alleviates anxiety, anger and hyperactivity; good for nervous system, helps to manage stress, enhances concentration

Precaution:Avoid in case of nose and ear infections



Meditation is an act of continuous contemplation.

Benefits:Meditation is the most important component of Yoga. Helps to eliminate negative emotions likefear, anger, depression, anxiety, keeps the mind calm and quiet, increases concentration and memory; rejuvenates the whole body and leads to self-realisation