5 Important Tips for Storing Jewelry

5 Important Tips for Storing Jewelry

Jewelry is like frosting on a cake. It can complete an outfit, tying the whole look together. At times, it can even be the focal point of the outfit. Yet taking care of the various jewelry is no easy task. Earrings can be lost, necklaces tangled and bracelets with missing charms. But that does not have to be that way, as long as jewelry is stored properly.

Get jewelry organizers

The easiest way to organize jewelry is to buy jewelry organizers. Whether it is jewelry trays or boxes, these items are made specially to organize the collection. Not only do they protect the quality of your jewelry, protect it from dust, but you will also be able to easily locate it. If you are one to have many small jewelry boxes but are not sure of where to put it, try stacking all of it in a drawer. This will keep the boxes out of the way but still easily visible.

Separate based on the type of jewelry

Next, it would be wiser to separate your jewelry collection by type. For necklaces, you can either store it individually (so it won’t get tangled), hang it separately in closet organizers or standing jewelry boxes. Doing this will also ensure that you will be able to easily spot the jewelry that you want to match with your outfit. On the other hand, bracelets and bangles are less likely to tangle, so vanity-top organizers are a great place for storing it. When it comes to earrings, it must be put in compartmentalized jewelry boxes, drawers or displays as it can be easily misplaced.

Keep your jewelry visible at all times

Another tip you must follow is to make sure that your jewelry is kept visible. Make sure you avoid that last-minute hunt for the perfect piece to enliven your outfit. You have several options, from using table top displays or stacking your earrings, watches and necklaces in drawer compartments that are easy to access. Positioning your collection out in the open is also a great way to notice if something has gone astray!

Keep daily pieces of jewelry more accessible

Like any item, there are some jewelry pieces that you wear on a daily basis and ones that you wear only on a special occasion. Make your daily routine easier by identifying the items that you wear daily and then making it more accessible. One simple tip you can do is to keep your smaller items such as rings and earrings in china dishes that are big enough to accommodate them without intermixing. Bigger jewelry such as necklaces can be hung on wall organizers. Otherwise, you can keep a small jewelry box on your nightstand, so you would be able to take off the little pieces of jewelry before climbing into bed.

On the other hand, keep your valuables safe

Finally, there are precious jewels that you need to carefully care for. Particularly for rarely worn jewelry that are also valuable, the best way is to keep it in a jewelry safe. Keep in mind that gems such as diamonds and pearls should be stored separately so that it won’t cause damage to each other. Other than that, keep each piece wrapped to maintain its appearance and value.

How do you store your jewelry? Tell us what you think in the comments section below!