5 Plates of Breakfast: Which one are you?


We all wake up differently in the morning. Some wake up productively by going on an exercise routine; some get up after a long sleepless night and some wake up peacefully to get to work. Eating, drinking, showers are several of the things that they all do to start the day. Breakfasts are especially important to energize your body for the day.

Depending on how you wake up, here are the breakfasts you should be eating:

On the clock

Commuters rushing in the early morning are riding on a slippery slope. Eating in a limited time in the morning is tricky, while simply not eating will bother your productivity for the day. Those who are rushing can be drinking delicious and nutritious smoothies in the morning.

You will be able to get your daily dose of nutrition with the speed and ease. Some of the ingredients to boost your energy in the early morning can include ginger, apple cider vinegar, spinach, and avocado. You will be able to boost energy, fight inflammation, and keep your stomach full by eating these ingredients. Cut the time shorter by getting the smoothies delivered in the morning to your door, so you will be able to run out the door whenever in the morning.

Early Riser, Exerciser

Waking up, putting on your workout gear and exercising is your daily routine. This meant that your body has already been moving and burning calories the moment you have woken up. Ideally, your breakfast contains ingredients that would recover your energy and give it fuel for the rest of the day.

Cook a healthy breakfast containing oatmeal, fruits and vegetables. Any fruit and vegetable will supply you with the appropriate amount of energy. Adding in cinnamon and cloves gives flavor without having to sprinkle sugar; almond butter helps with your protein intake and cauliflower keeps the meal light and nutritious.

The Night Owl

Can’t get yourself to sleep at night? That happens to even the best of us. At this kind of time, you will need a quick and nutritious boost to your morning to keep your concentration and energy up.

Caffeine is the best consumed in order to do just that. Find time in your schedule (weekends are great too) to bake a coffee toffee banana bread. Doing this will ensure that the bread will be available in the morning when you will need the added boost in the morning. Brown sugar is added, so it’s a much healthier option. Top whichever nuts and spices that you prefer in the morning.

Light & Easy Morning

You love the early hours, but you like to take them at a slow pace, beginning with meditation and maybe a some light yoga. Waking up with ease allows you to collect your to harness for a full day’s work.

For those who wake up at a leisurely pace, an indulgent meal is exactly perfect for your breakfast. Any meal is appropriate as your body is not worked to a pace. One of the nutritious meals that you can easily indulge in the morning is a frittata or omelette. It’s nutritious, easy to make and fulfills all the nutrition in your body. Frittatas are easier to make as it simply requires mixing all the ingredients and putting it into the oven. For a more energy, serve with a slice of fruit.

It has always been a famous saying: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Compared to lunch that fills you up in the middle of the day and dinner that satisfies your hunger, breakfast sets the pace for the rest of the day. Eating the right breakfast at the start of the day is therefore crucial in order have everything flow smoothly.

What is your favorite breakfast? Share us your reply in the comments below!