5 Things You Need To Do During the ‘New Normal’


Normally, we would be going through our day and become busy with our errands, chores or jobs. But as the #NewNormal is coming up, we need to be ready for what’s to come. What’s normally accepted is forbidden and many of us are warned to become more careful than ever before. Although we are going through our chores as we usually do before the pandemic, we need to be extremely careful in case the virus lurks around.

Here are tips to go through the ‘New Normal’:

  1. Follow Through with the Health Protocols

Following through with health protocols is the first and most important task that you will have to do during the ‘new normal’. It’s especially important for those of you who are using public transportation. Health protocols like using a face mask, not going outside when feeling ill, carrying a hand sanitizer in your pocket, keeping distance, regularly washing your hands and not talking in public transportation during commute are just some that you need to follow through.

  1. Cook Healthful Food

According to studies done on the immune system, 80% of immune cells reside in the gut. In other words, eating healthful food is important to maintain immune system. For maximum effectiveness, you can cook your own food. Doing that will ensure that you will be able to determine the nutritional content and cook it in the most hygienic way possible. You will need to eat carbs and proteins while also fulfilling your fiber content by eating fruits and vegetables. Eating vitamins and supplements are also necessary in order to maintain your immune system.

  1. Stay Clean

Staying clean is also another thing you must do in order to stay healthy. Some of the things to do include using a face mask while going outside, taking showers using anti-bacterial soap and always keeping your hands clean. Taking showers is one of the important points, for its antiseptic properties gives protection from viruses or bacteria that may harm your body. Keeping your hands clean is also important, for the WHO and Indonesian doctor’s association (IDI) have advised to keep hands clean using anti-bacterial soap. Otherwise, you can also use hand sanitizer that has 70% alcohol content and has moisturizer for clean and moisturized hands.

Bacteria also resides in your environment and surroundings, which is why you will need to pay attention to its cleanliness. One of the tips include spraying antiseptic fluid to surfaces that many touch like door handles, taps or light switches.

  1. Use Personal Transportation

This tip is the path with least amount of risk from being contracted with COVID-19. Cars are the safest, for you will not be in contact with anyone else during the ride (although perhaps you will need to clean the exterior). It’s less safe with a motorcycle, as there is potential for contact with others. This is especially true during red lights where there is not a lot of space for distance to occur among bike riders.

  1. Use Taxi or Online Rideshare Transportation

To avoid the chances of contracting coronavirus during your commute, another option is to ride a taxi or online transportation. You won’t need to be in contact with other people and you won’t need to be in dangerous crowds. There is no problem with using both of these types of transportation as long as you still pay attention to health protocols.

  1. Bring Your Own Change of Clothes

If you go to work or use public transportation, this tip may be especially useful to you. One of the ways that viruses can get transferred to the body is by getting stuck on clothes. It may be extra work because you will need to prepare in the morning, wash the clothes in the afternoon and carry more weight in your bag but it will keep you safer and give you the peace of mind.

What do you think about these tips? Which tip above is the most useful to you? Tell us in the comments section below!