5 Warteg (Warung Tegal) Restaurants Worth Visiting


Warteg, or ‘Warung Tegal’ is a street food joint that offers different side dishes for visitors eating there. Most of the time, warteg is humbly decorated, as people visit just to eat the delicious array of street food presented there. However, different varieties of warteg are beginning to pop up around Jakarta. These restaurants serve meals sold at wartegs, but added with their own twist and touch.

Here are the different wartegs in Jakarta:


With turquoise and yellow color schemes, it’s hard to miss Alkisah, located in Semanggi area. What sets this restaurant apart is the homey décor both inside and in its backyard. In addition to its cozy interior design, the place is also filled with vintage childhood memorabilia of action figures, board games, and even an arcade machine in the corner. For food, you can check out the different dishes they are serving daily. Otherwise, some of its signature meals include Mie Shirataki, Nasi Ayam Gandum, Nasi Campur Jawa, and Nasi Langgi.

Address: Jl. Guru Mughni No. 55, Karet Semanggi, Jakarta Selatan
Phone: +62-87781226555/ +62-81513499558

SERASA Coffeetaria

This is one of the most popular modern wartegs amongst those written in this list. The place is packed with visitors daily, even on weekday afternoons. Other than the casual yet chic atmosphere, the food is also delicious and affordable. Some of the recommended food to taste is their Cumi Hitam, Ayam Garlic Aisyah, Mie Ayam and Pempek Crispy.

Address: Jl. Cibulan Raya No. 17A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
Phone: +62-87717181717

Ruma Eatery

Ruma Eatery is the epitome of a modern warteg. It aims to do this by serving both homey comfort food while offering a wholesome experience. This can be seen through its décor, in which it has a spacious yet homey feel to its main dining and partly mezzanine areas. The high ceiling, tall windows and rustic brick walls gives a warm welcome to hungry eaters. Nasi daun jeruk is their signature rice dish, with Daging Cabe Ijo, Ikan Cakalang Mercon, Empal Manise, and Ayam Kuluyuk as side dishes.

Address: Jl. Cipaku I No. 16, Petogogan, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
Phone: +62-2127085415

Warung Pedes

There is much to be said about Warung Pedes’ interior, for it consists of concrete walls complete with instagrammable underground artwork. Yet the food is what distinctively differentiates it from other tegal joints. It aims to serve homey food that is delicious as well as spicy. Some of the food that you can try here includes cumi tumis balado, terong tumis balado, and tempe orek. Other than delicious food, it also has many features that creates comfort for visitors who visit the area which includes wi-fi, comfortable AC, 24-hour service along with a space that is clean and comfortable.

Address: Jl. Kemang Raya No. 103E, Kemang, Jakarta
Phone: +62-2122717090


Wahteg may not have the best looking interior design, but its facilities and delicious food is what makes many people come back to eat here again and again. The design is quite humble, with green and white interior. There are adequate facilities with free wifi, AC, CCTV and charging stations on each table. But the food is extraordinary, for it offers 40 dishes present in a regular tegal with several tegal food that you can’t find anywhere including the Sauto Tegal or tea straight from Tegal tea farmers.

Address: Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya No. 89B, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat
Phone: +62-215633559

Which warteg seems to be the most interesting to visit? Tell us your opinion in the comment section down below!