6 Effective Music Genres for Children’s Bedtime


Music matches our emotions perfectly. In truth, it’s just a series of instruments and vocal sounds combined in such a way to produce beauty of form, harmony and expression – the power to affect people’s emotions. It has the ability to change moods and atmosphere, all depending on the type of music. In fact music can also affect the brain development of listeners.

Benefits of music

The effect of music on adults and the younger generation is clear, but music can also effect the development of children. Studies show that children who listen to music since a young age show improved language skills, motor skills, social skills, higher IQ, increased spatial intelligence, concentration and basic memory recall. Sleep quality can also be improved with the use of music to children before bedtime.

Happiness experienced by listening to music can even help with treatment. In some hospitals, patients who are ill can join a music class. It was said to make patients forget about the pain there are in, which in turn boosts their optimism of getting better.

Here are 6 genres of music that can be suitable for your child’s bedtime.:

Classical music

Classical music is known to make babies calm as it has a regular and harmonious tone. The repetitive rhythm creates a feeling of comfort and the rhythm of classical music is similar to fetal movements in the womb.

Jazz music

Other than classical music, jazz is also another genre that children can listen to before they sleep. Similar to classical music, jazz music also provides a sense of peace. The genre’s characteristic of music that swings can make the baby’s heart slow down and make the child feel much calmer. Continuously playing it can also incite a similar response every time jazz music is being played.

Pop music

Although it may not seem like it, Pop music is also a viable option to listen to. Choose music that is calm and soothing, as pop’s rhythms can help calm the child. Rhythmic sounds made by pop music can create the feeling of calm. One possible reason is because they also listen to the rhythm of the mother’s heartbeat and breath when they were in the womb.

Especially for pop music, there are two songs recommended by your child to listen to, namely “Angels” by Robbie Williams and  “Wonderwall” by Oasis. Both songs are the favorite of mothers in England at bedtime.

Traditional music

A more traditional types of music works too. The combination of Gambang and angklung sounds are known to generate a feeling of relaxation in the body and mind. It is also important to choose musical tracks with a slow tempo rather than fast one. The rhythm created by the music will make them fall asleep easly.

Ambient Music

Ambient music uses sound of nature to evoke a sense of calmness. It can vary from the sounds of water, wind, rain and even the sounds of frogs. A combination of these sounds are used to create spatial and musical awareness in a dream atmosphere. Whether it resembles the sounds of a field, home, forest, ocean, rain and even the sky, listeners can choose one that makes them the most comfortable.

White Noise

This type of sound is specifically to block out any type of noise that exists around the area such as the closing of the door and even traffic. A study of white noise on babies during the 90s revealed that 80% of the test subjects who were in the study were able to sleep after 5 minutes. However, parents should be careful with the use of white noise as not all babies respond well to white noise and it has the potential of exceeding noise limit for the babies. Babies can also become dependent on this if used too much.


  • Ideally, the music should be put on approximately half an hour before your child’s bed or nap time, allowing them to absorb the music and “wind down”. The routine of playing music will also remind them that bedtime is coming soon, making it less of a shock when it’s time to be put down for sleep.
  • If there is a risk of noise or factors which may disturb sleep, then it is recommended to leave the music on throughout the night. The music can drown out other sounds which may disturbt them during their sleep.
  • The constant noise in the background can also give the child an immediate sense of where they are, making them feel at ease in case they wake up at night. It allows them to drop right back off if they do wake up during their sleep.

Music does not only help with moods and excitement, but it can also help with calming down feelings. As been proven by various studies, music can be used to calm and put children to sleep. Parents should note that the music chosen are music with slow tempos rather than fast a fast and more exciting one.

Have you tried this method? What other trick seems the most effective on putting your baby to sleep?