6 Emerging #Trends During the Pandemic


The pandemic has made the majority of us retreating at home. Because of this, people have been coming up with numerous ideas in order to keep themselves occupied. Not only are the variety of activities changing, but habits are also evolving due to the ‘New Normal’.

Here are the emerging trends during the pandemic:

Fashionable Masks

Disposable masks are usually available in three colors: blue, green and white. Before the pandemic, those were the masks that were commonly used by people. Ever since wearing masks are considered mandatory these days many are searching for masks in different colors and patterns. This surge of need has given designers an idea to use their fabrics/leftover fabrics as material to make fashionable face masks.


First and foremost, Jakarta is not known for its cycling culture. The city is full of pollution and terrible traffic that it actually makes cycling harmful. Luckily since the road is quieter during the pandemic, the cycling community takes advantage of this condition to take their bikes out and cycle to their heart’s content. It becomes a trend afterwards when local cycling shops report profit gains and as people buy new bikes.


The healthcare business has always been on the rise but it is especially made even clearer during this pandemic. Following the evolution of technology and healthcare, many have finally decided to combine both to make telemedicine. Traditionally people consult healthcare professionals in offices, hospitals and healthcare centers (puskesmas), yet more and more people are reaching out to telemedicine as the solution to their health problems while also avoiding the chance of being infected at hospitals.

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Virtual Communication

As most people are staying at home during this pandemic, there is also where creativity flourishes. Our homes has become the new creative studio for digital contents on the internet especially non-essential businesses including art, fashion, music, and film industry. Emerging trends include virtual photography as well as digital content creators such as podcasters or YouTubers. Artists organize virtual concerts and launched digital records in order to stay connected with their home-bound fans. Streaming platforms have gained more following through their online cinema while filmmakers are looking forward to producing a homemade film set in the house. The pandemic has even changed the way we communicate, in which there are a lot of meetings, conversations, reunions and happy hours happening virtually.

Dalgona Coffee

The most trending beverage during this pandemic would be the Dalgona Coffee. This unique coffee originates from South Korea, in which the ingredients required would be easy to find such as instant coffee, sugar and water. Technique used to make Dalgona coffee foam is what makes it interesting and makes many to rise to the challenge.

Tie Dye

Tie Dye has been appearing in catwalks all over the world, making it a fashion hit. It has also become a hit amongst those staying at home, for many are interested to try making their own version of the tie dye. We guarantee that choosing favorite combination while experimenting with tie dying will bring you joy at home. This trend helps people clear their minds, in which you will also get a stylish fashion item at the same time.

What do you think of these trend? Is there any other trend you tried at home? Tell us in the comments section below!