6 Mangrove Forests With Beautiful Views in Indonesia

6 Mangrove Forests With Beautiful Views in Indonesia: Hutan Mangrove Kulonprogo, DIY Yogyakarta

Mangrove forests grow along the coast, river mouths, some even grow in peat swamps. Mangrove forests are of great benefit to Indonesians living in areas near the coast to prevent abrasion and tsunami, as well as infiltration of seawater into the mainland.

In the country there are several beautiful mangrove forest areas, and are usually used as tourist destinations. The following are 6 tours of mangrove forests in Indonesia where you can enjoy the views:

  1. Taman Wisata Alam Angke Kapuk, DKI Jakarta

This place is a wetland ecosystem which is dominated by mangrove trees. This 99.82-hectare green paradise is located in the Kamal Muara sub-district adjacent to the Pantai Indah Kapuk area in North Jakarta. The location is quite easy to reach by public transportation, or by bicycle from downtown Jakarta or Tangerang.

Angke Kapuk Nature Tourism Park is a mangrove nature conservation area that is used for tourism and nature recreation. Moreover, no less important is its function as a habitat and shelter for several types of wildlife.

The charm of the Angke Kapuk Nature Park is obtained from its natural ecosystem and various adequate supporting facilities, as well as the provision of dozens of camping ground for visitors who want to spend the night or camp.

  1. Hutan Mangrove Karimunjawa, Karimunjawa

In addition to its beautiful beaches and rich underwater charm, Karimunjawa also has a mangrove forest tourist destination with a cool nature. While in the Karimunjawa Mangrove Forest, visitors can do trekking on a 1.3 kilometer long wooden track.

Later, after walking for about 700 meters, visitors can find a tall viewing tower that can be used to see the extent of the Karimunjawa mangrove tourism area. From the height of this viewing tower, tourists can see Cemara Besar Island, Small Cemara Island, and Menyawakan Island.

  1. Hutan Mangrove Kulonprogo, DIY Yogyakarta

In the province of DI Yogyakarta, precisely in Kulonprogo district, there is a mangrove forest that extends from east to west, side by side with a river whose estuary unites with the Bogowonto River on Congot Beach. While in the Kulonprogo Mangrove Forest, you can enjoy trekking on a bamboo bridge built over water, as well as being an interesting photo spot. Several bamboo buildings were also built into bridges and towers.

The construction of the bridge is made so majestic with its towering towers so that it is very suitable to be used as a photo background. There are about four unique and magnificent bridges that cross the river in this tourist destination.

  1. Hutan Mangrove Bedul, Banyuwangi

Still included in the Alas Purwo National Park area, this location is a tourist spot for mangrove forests in Banyuwangi. The Bedul Mangrove Forest is also a habitat for various animals such as monkeys, monitor lizards, storks, albatrosses, and grouse.

This location is also a tourist attraction for local residents. Here, visitors can walk along the saplings to enjoy the green vegetation of the mangrove forest. If it is receding, many shellfish seekers or fishermen catch their prey.

  1. Hutan Mangrove Tarakan, Tarakan

In North Kalimantan, precisely in Tarakan, there are mangrove forest attractions that are no less beautiful. The area even reaches 21 hectares and stores various types of mangrove plants.

Tarakan Mangrove Forest is the lungs of the city of Tarakan because this city is located near the coast. There are also several studies that are often conducted there to observe the mangrove ecosystem.

You can visit this mangrove forest from 9 am to 5 pm. Visitors only need to pay IDR 5,000 to enjoy a vacation tour in this beautiful mangrove forest.

  1. Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo, Surabaya

Wonorejo Mangrove Ecotourism is a tourist spot for mangrove forests in Surabaya. More than half of the mangrove species in Indonesia thrive in this area. The native vegetation that grows in this area is dominated by mangroves, fires, pidadas, and blinds. Several other plant species are also found in this area such as ketapang and nipah.

In addition to mangroves, there are also 83 exotic and rare bird species such as the yellow bambangan, red heron, Javanese turtledove, and ivory punai. In this Wonorejo Mangrove Forest, visitors will see sea monkeys or long-tailed monkeys that live freely.

Visitors only need to prepare a pocket of IDR 25,000 for adults and IDR 15,000 for children to enter this ecotourism area. Mangrove tourism is open on Saturdays and Sundays as well as holidays and is open from 08.00-18.00 WIB.

Which mangrove forest seems the most interesting to visit? Share your opinion in the comment section below!