7-Day Simply Salad Recipes

7 day simply salad

Welcome to our healthy #7DaySimplySalads recipes for weight loss. The printable shopping list is here>>

Day 1: Broccoli Apple Fusion Salad

Including broccoli in your daily meals will not only promote your weight loss but will also help you improving your overall health.

Day 2: Brown Chickpeas and Cucumber Bright

Brown chickpeas are one of the healthiest lentils. They are loaded with lots of proteins and if you are looking for weight loss or tone your body, it’s one of the best meals you could have.

Day 3: Healthy Italian Weight Loss Salad

This green vegetable salad is low in calories and rich in fiber, which is what you need to shed some pounds.

Day 4: Cucumber Peanut Salad

When you’re trying to lose weight, including low-calorie foods like cucumbers in your diet helps you lower your calorie intake to shed pounds. Cucumbers are very low in calories—a cup of sliced cucumber has just 14 calories, and that is also why it’s a good addition to any salad recipe you like.

Day 5: Yummy Tangy Salad

This salad contains zucchini, a powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acid, calcium, fiver, magnesium, vitamin B-2 and vitamin B-6. Just like cucumber, zucchini is also one of the most eaten vegetables for weight loss.

Day 6: Zucchini and Pepper Weight Loss Salad

Leave your favorite meat kebabs behind and switch to this low calorie yet delicious vegetable kebab for guilt-free savory craving.

Day 7: Tangy Fruits and Vegetable Salsa

This salad combines broccoli, zucchini, and fruits; which will fulfill your daily vitamin and protein intake.

If you have enjoyed these salad recipes or have any questions, comments and feedback, please do post below: