7 Simple Weight Loss Tips for Busy People

7 Simple Weight Loss Tips for Busy People

Losing weight need commitment. You need to watch the food you consume and prioritise your time to exercise. But, what if your busy schedules do not allow you time to even think about losing weight?

Having a busy schedule can make this process infinitely harder, but it is not impossible. You’re not going to put things like maintaining a healthy diet and weight loss on the bottom of the list anymore if you follow these tips:

  1. Put yourself first
    Stressful situations can take your focus away from properly caring yourself. No matter how busy you are, your body still needs your attention. And the only person who can put you on the top of your list is yourself.
  2. Have a purpose or set a goal
    One of the most important factors in losing weight is to have a goal. You need to decide your destination, write it on a paper, and place it somewhere you can see it daily such as your work desk, mirror, or even on the ceiling in your bedroom.
  3. Plan (and pack) your lunch
    Busy people tend to eat impulsively. Sometimes they don’t control their daily calories intake and just eat to feel full. If you’re planning to lose weight, start to plan and pack your lunch. Planning lunch ahead will help you to stick with healthy options, instead of buying unhealthy meals.
  4. Make healthy foods the most visible at home and at work
    If you come home from a long day at work starving and the first thing you see is a candy bar, chances are that’s what you grab. It’s same if you walk in to see a bowl of apples or oranges waiting. So, you need to arrange your fridge or dining table with your health goals in mind—put the greens and fruits at the visible part of your fridge. Stop storing chips or unhealthy snacks in your work desk drawers too. It’s better to bring in fresh fruit to snack during the day.
  5. Set a simple routine and stick to it
    Spare one hour everyday for jogging or do simple exercises at your home. You don’t need a huge quantity of exercises—you just need routine, quality exercises. Make it a routine that you can’t live without, even for just one day.
  6. Don’t sit when you can stand (or walk)
    If you spend most of your time sitting in front of your computer, you don’t have much chance to burn calories. Well, standing while you work may not be an option too. But, you can use other times during your day to get up from your chair, such as your morning train ride, staff meetings, or just walking to the pantry in your office.
  7. Make sure you have enough rest time
    When it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day, it may be tempting to stay up late or wake up super early just to get everything done. But, if you cut your sleeping hours, you may lack the energy needed to complete your routine workouts. Even worse, people who don’t have enough sleep tend to crave sugary and fatty foods. Sure they will help you to stay awake, but will add centimeters on your waistline. A big no!

food workout & weightloss

Having busy schedules do not mean that you have reason to give up your health goals. Simple planning and small changes ahead of time will bring difference, however busy you are. Try these simple tips, and tell us if these work for you!