7 Smart Things Students Can Do in A Gap Year

A Man is Thinking in Front of Laptop

A gap year is a period of time, usually lasting for about a year, when a student takes a break from their formal education after completing high school or before starting college. Sometimes a gap year is considered shameful in some cultures or social circles. In fact, gap years can provide students with valuable life experiences, self-discovery, and an opportunity to gain new perspectives before continuing their education.

Gap year is also an opportunity for students to engage in various activities. Here are 7 activities that ones can do during a gap year:

1. Become a Volunteer

Ones can learn new things by becoming a volunteer. As with a job, generally someone will relate to other volunteers and work together in a team. From this experience, someone can develop skills such as communication and teamwork which are certainly very useful when applying for a job. Volunteering can also build a network by getting to know lots of new people.

2. Travel and Adventure

6 Top Adventure Trips in IndonesiaTraveling during a gap year can provide extraordinary experiences and broaden one’s horizons. Through travel, ones can be directly involved with different cultures, meet new people, and get to know different environments. This can help broaden the world view and teach the importance of equality, empathy and respect for differences.

3. Learn a New Skill

top-skills-to-hone-in-2023-codingWithout having to leave the house, take advantage of the gap year moment to learn new skills such as digital marketing, coding, Microsoft Excel, or graphic design. These skills are in high demand in the world of work and can be done from anywhere. Having foreign language skills can also be a plus for a resume or CV. Learning can be done by talking to an online language tutor or volunteering with a local community that speaks the target language.

4. Take an Apprenticeship or Work

Someone Takes Apprenticeship or Works During Gap YearInternships can provide an overview of professional life in the world of work, as a way to explore future career paths. Ones can also consider doing an internship abroad as it can be well paid. In this case, a paid internship can be an opportunity for you to have a lot of savings to invest while not working.

5. Follow Tutoring

Top Fashion Schools in Indonesia: Instituto di Moda Burgo Indonesia (IMB Indonesia)A gap year does not mean delaying the opportunity to study at a public university. Ones can prepare to take Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer ( Computer Based Writing Exam ) in the following year, considering that there are a lot of competitors to enter state universities. The way to prepare the exam can be by repeating material that has been studied before.

6. Distribute Hobbies

Gap year is the right time to do a hobby. If someone can cook, then that person can make daily vlogs about cooking. Other hobbies that are very useful during the gap year include writing, playing musical instruments, and so on. In addition to reducing stress, hobbies can be a source of income. It’s great to earn money from activities we enjoy.

7. Rest to Recover

Relaxation TechniqueIn 2021, 83% of the nearly 33,000 students who took part in a Boston University study reported that mental health also negatively impacts their academic performance. Learning from the survey, it means that a gap year can be used as an alternative option for some students who are experiencing stress to be able to rest, both physically and mentally.

Do you agree with the decision to take a gap year after graduation? What other activities do you think students do better during a gap year? Share your opinion in the comments section below.