7 Steps to Tackling your Bad Habits


There is always something that we want in our lives; whether it is to become more extroverted, mentally healthier, lose weight, spontaneous or productive. However, there are times when you are not able to achieve your goals whether you are not committed enough or life gets in the way. If this is the case with you, then you need special tactics in order to change your negative habits.

Admit Your Weaknesses

There are a variety of steps when you want to change a bad habit. But the first and foremost step that occurs when you decide to change, is you will be admitting your weaknesses. This may not be the easiest thing for some people to admit yet it is paramount to changing your habits. What happens most of the time is that there will be some changes, whether it is a habit revision or complete change of personality

Find out your ‘Why’

Source: thegoldengoose.com.au

The second most important step is to figure out your ‘Why’. For drastic measures to occur, we must have a compelling reason to change. Although desire is critical and at times can be credited to be the main reason for one’s change in habits, for some it can be insufficient to make changes in their lives. Even when change is implied on the person, it may not happen or the change is temporary if the needs are nor pressing.


Now that you have discovered the reason or in other words your ‘Why’, you need to start strategizing on how to make changes to your life. What’s important in this step is that you understand the ins and outs of your own personality as well as your behavior patterns. This is the step which most generally fail to achieve, for not everyone knows the optimal strategies to reach the desired outcome.

Gain Social Support

Although this is optional, gaining social support offers a massive help for those seeking habit/lifestyle changes. According to some, it improves the likelihood of change effectiveness and stability. These few steps in the beginning are particularly important in which chances of success are high and probability of failure low when done right. Unless you go through the top four steps, there is a chance that we may quickly revert back to our bad habits.

Pick Your Battles

Other than the tips mentioned above, you must also be realistic on your goals and commitments. What should you tackle? It all depends on how big or small your commitment may be. There is a saying, “pick battles big enough to matter, but small enough to win.” Many may suggest that you start with small goals that you can easily achieve, only you know how much you can commit to a particular quest and if that challenge is significant enough to make a difference.

Evaluate Your Capacity

Other than that, you also need to evaluate your capacity of whether you have the time or energy to devote to your objective. Goal setting is highly personal, so you should rethink if you are doing these goals just because it sounds right or based on the persuasion of others.

Track your Goals

Finally, success in changing is more likely when you track down your progress. You can make progress by literally writing down your plan, accomplishments, and outcomes. By doing that you will know if there is something that needs to change or whether your current system is working.

Have you tried any of the tips above? Share with us your experience in the comments section below!