8 Places to Visit in Samarinda, East Kalimantan

8 Places to Visit in Samarinda, East Kalimantan: Tempat Wisata Pulau Kumala Samarinda

East Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has various types of interesting tourist attractions. For example, the city of Samarinda, the provincial capital, has its own charm because it has tourist attractions that can make your vacation more memorable!

Here are the locations you can visit in Samarinda:

Tempat Wisata Pulau Kumala Samarinda

Let’s start with the first list, Kumala Island. Actually this one tourist spot is not exactly located in Samarinda. However, this one tourist spot is located not far if taken by vehicle, only 27 kilometers from Samarinda City. Kumala Island was formed as a result of silt from the Mahakam River or scientifically called a delta. If you look closely, this island has a shape resembling an overturned boat.

As a tourist destination, Kumala Island has a recreation park with approximately 10 rides that you can try, such as jet coasters, go-karts, cable cars, merry-go-rounds, and mini trains to go around the island while enjoying the scenery. Besides that, you can also enjoy the view of Tenggarong City from a height by climbing the Sky Tower which soars up to 750 decimeters!

Location: Jalan K.H. Ahmad Muksin, Tenggarong, Timbau, Tenggarong, East Kalimantan.
Operating Hours: 13.30 – 23.00
Ticket Price: IDR 7,000 Adults; IDR 5,000 children.

Pulau Beras Basah Samarinda

Another recommended tourist spot is Pulau Beras Basah Samarinda. Like Kumala Island, this island is not located right in Samarinda City but promises extraordinary natural beauty. To reach Pulau Beras Basah Samarinda, it takes quite a long time, which is 3 hours by vehicle.

This island is located in the Makassar Strait, Bontang, East Kalimantan. The beauty of white sand and crystal clear water that sparkles in a bluish tone will make you forget how exhausted you are of the trip to this island.

Location: Makassar Strait, Bontang, East Kalimantan
Operating Hours: 24 Hours
Ticket Price: Free

Air Terjun Tanah Merah Samarinda

This Tanah Merah Waterfall, located in Purwosari Village, North Samarida, has a height of 15 meters. Uniquely, the water flowing in this waterfall looks clear. But when the water has gone downstream, the color of the water will turn a murky reddish color. This is because the soil base here consists of peats.

Location: Jl. Muara Badak – Samarinda, Tanah Merah, North Samarinda, Samarinda City
Operating Hours: 24 hours
Ticket Price: IDR 5,000

Desa Budaya Pampang Samarinda

Pampang Village is one of the cultural villages for those of you who want to know about local culture in Samarinda. This tourist spot in Samarinda, which is inhabited by the Kenyah Dayak tribe, is often visited by tourists because it has its own uniqueness.

Every Sunday at 13:00 – 15:00, an art performance is held at the lamin or village meeting hall. This building looks unique decorated with carvings typical of the Dayak tribe. Interestingly, when the art performance is being performed, all villagers will wear their traditional clothes.

Location: Jl. Dahlia No. 69, Siring River, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan.
Operating Hours: Sunday 14.00 – 17.00
Ticket Price: Adult IDR 25,000; Children IDR 20,000

Samarinda Islamic Center

There is one religious tourism place in Samarinda that you can visit, called the Samarinda Islamic Center Mosque. The architectural design of this mosque is said to have been inspired by the architecture of the Hagia Sophia in Turkey. This mosque has a single main tower as high as 99 meters which includes the number of Asmaul Husna and six smaller towers which symbolize the number of pillars of faith.

Location: Jl. Slamet Riyadi No.1, Tlk. Lerong Ulu, Kunjang River, Samarinda City
Operating Hours: 24 Hours
Ticket Price: Free

Tepian Mahakam

The Mahakam River is a river that flows through most of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency, West Kutai Regency, and Samarinda City.

At night, you can visit and enjoy grilled corn while looking at the scenery. On the edge of the Mahakam, there are also several food stalls along the banks for you to have a culinary tour.

Location: Jalan Gajah Mada, Bugis, Samarinda City
Operating Hours: 24 Hours
Ticket Price: Free

Taman Rekreasi Lembah Hijau Samarinda

Don’t forget to come to the Taman Rekreasi Lembah Hijau Samarinda. This tourist spot is a combination of natural tourism and a variety of interesting attractions. Not inferior to many other famous tourist attractions in Samarinda City, this Taman Rekreasi Lembah Hijau Samarinda can also attract the attention of many travelers who come to this city. In addition, in this Samarinda tourist area, you can also enjoy outbound facilities.

Location: Jalan Kebun Raya, Lempake, Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur
Operating Hours: 08.00 – 20.00
Ticket Price: IDR 5,000/person; IDR 180,000/person for Outbound Package

Kampung Tenun Samarinda

One of the characteristics of Samarinda City is the woven fabric with its beautiful checkered pattern. If you want to bring a souvenir of this woven cloth, just come to Samarinda Seberang District. Besides buying cloth, you can see the process of making it. The process of making this cloth is still very traditional using a non-mechanical loom called Gedokan.

Location: Jl. Panglima Bendahara Samarinda Seberang, Kalimantan Timur
Operating Hours: 09.00 – 19.00
Ticket price: –

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