Advice and FAQs for Indian Nationals Stranded in Indonesia


Please find below a list of 9 questions with answers for Indian nationals, who might find themselves in SOS situations in Indonesia. This information has been provided by the Embassy of India, Indonesia.

Helpline numbers of the Indian Embassy and Consulates in Indonesia are as follows:

• For Consular, Passport and Visa issues: Shri Ajit Singh, SS (Cons) – (Mobile No.08159202695)

• For Education and cultural activities: Shri Makrand Shukla, Director, JNICC– (Mobile No. 08159202686)

• For Economic and commercial issues: Mrs. Shruti Pandey, Third Secretary (E&C)-(Mobile No. 0816865893)

• Consul General, CGI, Bali: Shri R.O. Sunil Babu (Mobile No. 08113867270)
• Consul General, CGI, Medan: Smt. Shalia Shah (Mobile No. 08111997829)

• For overall suggestions on interface with Embassy: Shri Prakash Gupta, DCM (Mobile No. 081519075107)

Question No. 1

What to do in case my passport gets lost while I am on travel in Indonesia?

First lodge a police complaint in the nearest police station. Police help line number is 110.

Visit Indian Embassy personally along with Police Report and Identity documents (Aadhar card/Driving License/Voter card etc.) and proof of entry in Indonesia.

A travel documents will be issued to facilitate travel back to India

Any questions/clarifications, please reach out to Consular Officer at +62 – 85775416970

Question No. 2

I am on a short-term visit to Indonesia and my belongings/bag gets lost/stolen. What do I need to do?

Report to the nearest Police station and get a copy of Police Report.

Please contact Embassy personally or on the following numbers:

+62-21- 5204150, 5204152, 5204157, 5264931

+62-21-29023359 (Dedicated line for consular matters)



Any questions/clarifications, please reach out to Consular Officer at +62 – 85775416970

Question No.3

A known Indian national has unfortunately passed away in Indonesia. What are the formalities required to be completed for taking his mortal remains to India?

Please inform the Embassy on the above-mentioned numbers and come to Embassy personally along with following documents:

  1. Death certificate from hospital and local authorities clearly mentioning the cause of death and Police report if death is not natural.
  2. Original passport of the deceased and the informant.
  3.  A letter from spouse/children/parents, if not able to visit personally, authorizing the informant to act on their behalf and collect the death certificate, Self-attested copy of passport/any ID having signatures, proof of relationship to the deceased in respect of family member. The Informant has to sign on the Death certificate.
  4. If the deceased was employed, a letter from the company/organization giving details of circumstances of death. A copy of the Employment Contract, clearly mentioning the compensation payable to the next of kin, in the event of death while in employment.

A death certificate, a letter of request to local authorities to assist in cremation (If cremated in Indonesia) or a letter of request addressed to Airlines/Immigration to assist in sending mortal remains back to India, will be issued. The above service is provided Gratis by the Embassy.

Any questions/clarifications, please reach out to Consular Officer at +62 – 85775416970

Question No. 4

I was detained at Indonesian Immigration on arrival and subjected to unnecessary questioning and threatened. Do I need to report such incidents?

If you feel that the Authorities have been harsh and harassed you unnecessarily, please feel free to report the matter to Embassy on the above-mentioned e-mail giving full details of incident along with your passport number.

Question No.5

An agent promised me visa for Europe/USA/UK/Australia etc. from Indonesia and has taken my passport. He is not returning my passport and blackmailing me or asking money to return passport?

It is advisable not to give passport/money/other documents to any agent for applying visa to above mentioned countries. The visa regulations to any specific country is the same, all over the world, regardless of place of application. Indian nationals applying for visa to the EU/USA/UK etc. from Indonesia will not be favoured if they apply from Indonesia. Claims from middlemen/agents of arrangements with any Mission can lead to more harm. There have been cases where agents gave fake visas and applicants faced court trials and imprisonments. If you have been duped, please inform Indonesian Immigration or police, giving full details of such agents and also report the matter to  Embassy.


Question No. 6

I applied for e-visa and I have not received visa on my mail after making payments.

There are some spurious websites which charge more and do not issue visa.

One of such fake websites is “”

We suggest NOT to use this website.

Embassy does not issue e-visa. It is facilitated by a team in New Delhi. If any query on E-Visa please contact +911124300666 or mail to:

The correct Government of India website to apply for e-visa is

Question No. 7

Is it safe to apply for work permit/KITAS/extension of Indonesian visa/deposit taxes for companies through agents?

It is advisable to apply for such services personally as there have been cases where fake documents have been issued to applicants or agents have not returned their  passports and the applicants faced legal action/deportation.

Please remember that the  Embassy has limited role in such cases

Question No. 8

Do I need to change my OCI after every 5 years or whenever a new passport is issued?

It’s not mandatory to change OCI card after every renewal of passport.

You can travel with old passport, OCI card and new passport. Valid Visas in old passports continue to remain valid.

Question No.9

What are the limitations of consular assistance or what Embassy may not be able to do for me?

While the Ministry of External Affairs and our Embassy will make efforts to provide consular assistance in as many situations as possible, there may be situations which are outside the consular role or which may not be provided for. These include:

  • Arrange visas, licences, work or residency permits for other countries
  • Enforce a judicial or administrative order in or with respect to a foreign country without the consent and cooperation of the local authorities
  • Intervene in another country’s court proceedings or legal matters including employment disputes, commercial disputes, criminal cases and family law matters or child custody disputes, except to the extent permitted by the laws of that country
  • Carry out searches for missing people in a foreign country, except with the cooperation of the authorities of that country
  • Investigate crimes or deaths overseas, which is the responsibility of the authorities of that country
  • Get you released from prison in a foreign country, except as per the legal procedures of that country
  • Get you better treatment in prison than local prisoners, although we may be able to raise welfare concerns or other sensitivities with local authorities for consideration
  • Post bail or pay your fines or legal expenses, except as permissible under the rules
  • Enforce an Indian or any other custody-related judgement/agreement overseas or compel a country to decide a custody case
  • Pay for medical services or medications, except in emergencies as per the relevant rules.
  • Pay your pension or social security benefits in a foreign country, except where permissible under Indian laws
  • Extradite/Deport/Repatriate/Return a person involuntarily and/or without legal basis or in the absence of a treaty or arrangement
  • Intervene in immigration, customs or quarantine matters in other countries, except to the extent permitted under local laws.


If you have any further questions or suggestions, please post in the comments below…