Akshata Bhadranna: Digital Marketer, Blogger & Foodie

Interview on Indoindians.com with Akshata Bhadranna

Akshata Bhadranna is an engineer by profession and a marketer by passion. She strongly believes that happiness is in your own hands. Over the last 5 years, she has ‘worked my way up from a marketing executive, enjoying every aspect of marketing’. She is a great conversationalist and a feminist to boot to ‘fight for feminism and against sexism’.

‘Love and marriage brought me to Indonesia’ she smiles when asked about what brought her to Indonesia. A self proclaimed foodie, she enjoys the local cuisine and ‘love the people of Indonesia and their desire to live. Work doesn’t matter, but travel, family and life in itself is what matters. I admire this attitude towards life they have’. Her absolute favorite ‘feel good’ treat is ‘cokelat’ Ultra milk.

Akshata is a passionate reader and an active blogger – a wordsmith.  ‘I am a book lover and enjoy the tango with words which has extended to my blog too’ she explains. ‘Words have the power to make you feel any emotion and blogging is my way to be connected to words’. She is a great conversationalist and rather really good at expressing in writing, so blogging was her ‘haven to pour all my feelings and thoughts for everyone to read. Blogging was also a means to bring change, fight for women and uphold woman’s rights. The impact blogging can have is what pulled me to it.’

This love for words, interest in marketing and a logical mindset from her education has enabled her to succeed at digital marketing, which is a ‘have to, got to’ for marketing any brand or product. She is now using these skill sets to be an online entrepreneur providing digital marketing services. ‘I am still learning and feel I have a long way to go. But it sure is exciting.’

Akshata recently conducted a blogging workshop for Indoindians and is the founder of Indoindians Book Club, with the idea to ‘to get all the book lovers together, for exchange of ideas, thoughts and to create a platform to explore Indonesian literature too along with Indian, Western and others’. The book club has interesting mix of 84 member readers, who meet every monthly for stimulating and inspiring discussions. It’s also a great way for the members to discover new books and also borrow them.

Indoindians Book Club Meetup

Akshata is an Indoindians Ambassador too.

Her advice for budding bloggers is ‘find your own voice, don’t ever do something just because the rest of the crowd is, you’ll just end up being one of them. Find what you are good at expressing through blogs and have an expertise or a unique taste in – parenting, fashion, makeup or even on the types of buttons. You’ll make it as having your voice will make you unique’.

‘Dream is your first step to reality. – So I dream every day.’ Akshata states that eventually she and her husband plan to start a foundation to educate children from poor backgrounds in India. Also like every book lover, she would like to own a bookstore in a cozy place and read for a living.

Her big dream is to see a world wherein women ‘have the freedom to choose what they want to do, who they want to be and how they want to live’.

Her favorite quote: “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”  –Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets 

Akshata Bhadranna with IndoindiansBrief Bio

Full name: Akshata Bhadranna

Education: B.E

Family: Husband – Rahul Pagad

Favorite quotes/motto – Staying happy in life is the only way to live it and enjoy it.

Believe. Work hard and Make it Happened.

Love has the power to change your life – it’s on you, in which way you let it to.