There are numerous Chinese health treatments from acupuncture, moxibustion, qigong even herbal medicine. One of the practices that are already widely practiced in Indonesia include the ‘cupping therapy‘. The flow of blood or flow of βQiβ is said to be one of the most crucial aspects in maintaining health. A blocked Qi, depending on the area, is the reason why many of us experience illnesses.
However cupping is not only limited to Indonesia and China, but has even extended globally to be used by famous athletes and starlets all around the world. In times of high stress and discomfort, cupping could provide relief as it frees up the blockages in the body.
What is ‘Cupping Therapy’?
Cupping involves sucking an area of the skin, which would affect the blood flow that particular area. Two materials are mainly used from glass cups to plastic cups. Using the latter is simple-all you need to do is squeeze the cup in order to get suction in your skin. Wait it for 15 minutes, and remove it with a finger lodged between the skin and the cup.
There are two versions of using the glass cup. One involves creating suction through a hold on top of the cup. Another more recommended version is to light a cotton ball and place it within the cup to remove the remaining air inside. Finally, you can make the treatment more effective by combining it with acupuncture. In this procedure, the median part of the skin is punctured with an acupuncture needle, drawing in more blood.
Otherwise, patients can also use the βmoving cuppingβ or βgliding cuppingβ for a greater deep tissue massage on the body. Rather than letting it stuck in one area, the practitioner will move the cup around the body for something to move the ‘Qi’ around the body. In order to ease the cupβs movement, oil will be applied to the skin prior to the treatment
Benefits of Cupping
- Removing muscle aches and rheumatism in the body
Using heat is much more recommended for this exact reason. The suction and heat of cupping restarts the blood circulation in the body, soothing the knot and making the blood flow easier in that particular part of the body. Suction and heat are also said to draw out dampness which is said to be the common causes for those suffering these issues.
- Flu or cold
Having flu or cold symptoms are a sign that several pathogens have created blockages in the meridians. Cupping can help cure these symptoms by specifically targeting these areas, creating a flow of blood where it was previous blocked. As a result, this treatment can help remove flu or cold symptoms.
- Weight management
If someone is experiencing obesity, it is perceived that they have an impaired digestive system. Those who have this problem can get their digestion stimulated, bowel movements improved as well as the removal of waste products in the body. A better digestion in the body will help the body shed weight.
- General health management
Cupping does not only help the body with the problems that it has, but it also helps thebody maintain the bodyβs health. It will be able to rejuvenate the state of the meridians and internal organs that are not in its prime condition. All in all, your immune system will be improved with regular use of cupping.
- Reduces pain
Those who are experiencing joint and muscle pain can look to cupping as an alternative and more natural form of treatment. Pain and discomfort can be a sign of blockage in the system, which is why cupping could provide help by reducing the effects on the body. Many has testified how cupping has worked to reduce pain at their lower back, which some compare to taking in painkiller medication.
- Induces relaxation
Not only does it give health benefits and help reduce your symptoms, but you will also feel an utter feeling of relaxation. Doing this treatment is said to reduce physical discomfort and sedates the central nervous system. As a result, you will be feeling much more relaxed than previously. This feeling of relaxation will also help you fight against symptoms of anxiety and depression.
- To achieve a much more beautiful complexion
Breakouts are sign that the body is experiencing problems. Skin conditions like breakouts, acne or eczema can be treated by specifically cupping the area. This is because the roots of the problems like skin inflammation can be eliminated during the treatment.
- Anti-aging
Surprisingly, cupping can also help someone who is aging. You can do this by applying your go-to products after the treatment. In that way, your skin will receive the nutrition it needs. Although you are not seeing wrinkles or signs of aging, prevention is key in order to prevent it in the future!
- Carpal tunnel
Applying to much pressure on your hands will result in the painful carpal tunnel syndrome. Those who are suffering from this disease can relieve the numbness and pain in your hands using cupping treatment. You will be able to feel the pain and weakness wash away.
- Feel more energetic
As been said, cupping are said to free the blockages in the body or else the flow of Qi. Blocked Qi can result in many things from sore and painful muscles, back pain, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea or loss of appetite. For women, you might also experience pain, urinary problems, lower abdominal pain and distention, sciatica, premenstrual nipple sensitivity, irritability, depression and headaches. Cupping, on the other hand is said to focus the blood to gather and heal the painful area. In effect, you will be able to improve your energy flow and make yourself feel more energetic. Bruises in the body are also believed to be negative energy elements in the body coming to the surface of the skin, on its way out of your body. In a way, it is believed that cupping is another way for a natural detox.
Despite the benefits, there are also certain dangers related to cupping. Because cupping is one of the most popular alternative medicines in Indonesia, there are certain practices that are illegal and not accredited by the government. Be aware of these practices, as a fatal move can endanger your health. Several dangers may lurk like unsterile tools and overdoing the treatments.
Unlicensed professionals are known not to clean the items carefully. As a result, patients are in danger of being transmitted diseases of the previous patient. There is also a risk of overdoing the treatment, which could result in skin infections.
Where to go cupping
If you are interested on cupping in Indonesia, there are several well-known places which are already accredited by the government. You can choose amongst several of these locations to get your symptoms treated:
- Klinik Bekam Assabil Holystic
Address: Jl. Cipinang Cempedak IV No. 42 Cipinang Cempedak, Jatinegara, Jakarta
Telephone: +622132553232
Mobile Phone Number: +6281234567266
Address: Jln. Cempaka Putih Tengah 17A No.2A, Kec. Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat
Phone: +62-214222971
Website: - Klinik BRC
- BRC Antapani
Address: Jl. Purwakarta No.152 (100m samping kanan Toserba Griya Antapani), Bandung
Phone:Β +62-85100553442, +62-227207958 - BRC Blok M
Address: Graha 74. Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 15, Jakarta Selatan
Phone: +62-85691111617 - BRC Bogor
Address: Jl. Raya Pemda No.6 Rt 05 Rw 01, Kedung Halang, Bogor (500m dari lampu merah Talang)
Phone: +62-85288691666, +62-87878159343 - BRC Buah Batu
Address: Jl. Terusan Buah Batu No.280 (50m samping kanan pintu Tol Buah Batu), Bandung
Phone: +62-85100810149 - BRC Cianjur
Address: Jl. Abdulloh bin Nuh No.99 Sawahgede, Cianjur (200m dr HYPERMART Cianjur)
Phone: +62-85100044130 - BRC Cibaduyut
Address: Jl. Cibaduyut Raya No.7 (100m dari Terminal Leuwi Panjang), Bandung
Phone: +62-85105057600, +62-2285440184 - BRC Cibinong
Address: Jl. KSR Dadi Kusmayadi Ds Tengah, Cibinong-Bogor (samping kanan POM bensin Bandung Jl. Kancil)
Phone: +62-85100557954 - BRC Cijerah
Address: Jl. Melong 1 No.19 Blok 5, Cimahi Selatan (100m dari kantor Pos Cijerah)
Phone:Β +62-81222338050 - BRC Cikarang
Address: Jl. Tarum Barat 2 Ruko Sunter Niaga No.2B, Perum Cikarang Baru, Cikarang
Phone: +62-2189842938, +62-82311771774 - BRC Ciledug Kreo
Address: Jl. Ciledug Raya No.35 Kreo, Tangerang (samping Giant)
Phone: +62-85101657311,Β +62-85645486685 - BRC Cilegon
Address: Ruko HRC Jl. KH Wasyid Blok Cibibis No A6 Kel.Sukmajaya Kec.Jombang, Kota Cilegon (Belakang Ramayana Mall Cilegon)
Phone: +62-8510058449112. - BRC Cimahi
Address: Jl. Kecamatan No.32, Pondok Mutiara Kav.F Rt 04/09, Cibabat-Cimahi Utara (50m sebelah kanan Kantor Kecamatan Cimahi Utara)
Phone: +62-81222858582 - BRC Cirebon
Address: Jl. Raya Sunan Gunung Jati Rt 12 Rw 03 No.71 Ds Klayan, Kec. Gunung Jati, Kab. Cirebon
Phone: +62-231246830, 081394081304 - BRC Dago
Address: Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.479A, Bandung (Dago Atas, 300m dari Terminal Dago)
Phone: +62-222533496 - BRC Depok
Address: Jl. Bahagia Raya No.6A, Depok Timur (depan gedung Serbaguna Samina)
Phone: +62-2177820408 - BRC Galaxy
Address: Jl. Raya Pekayon Ruko Pondok Mitra Lestari Blok A1 No.2 Jakasetia, Bekasi Selatan (Depan Grand Galaxy)
Phone: +62-85106514599, +62-2182434628 - BRC Gegerkalong
Address: Jl. Gegerkalong Girang No.54, Bandung (100m dari Masjid Daarut Tauhid/samping Indomart)
Phone: +62-222008187, +62-82320559435 - BRC Grand Wisata
Address: Ruko Market Place (Pasar Modern) Grand Wisata Blok A No.PR 2/12 (samping Pintu Utara 3), Bekasi
Phone: +62-2129080081, +62-85773023351 - BRC Karawang
Address: Ruko Green Village Blok 01 no.31. Jl. Bharata, Sukaharja, Teluk Jambe Timur, kabupaten Karawang.
Phone: +62-81296770228 - BRC Kemanggisan
Address: Jl. Kemanggisan III No.3 Pal Merah, Jakarta Barat
Phone: +62-81292572798 - BRC Kranji
Address: Jl. Patriot (Pemuda) No.187 Kranji, Bekasi
Phone: +62-2188956135, +62-85217010930 - BRC Margacinta
Address: Jl. Ciwastra No.181 (5m seberang Taman Pluto Margahayu Raya), Bandung
Phone: +62-85101780415 - BRC Margahayu
Address: Jl. Kopo Margahayu No.358 (50m samping kiri Margahayu Permai), Bandung
Phone: +62-82117777440, +62-225403580 - BRC Padalarang
Address: Jl. Raya Cimareme No.257, Kabupatan Bandung Barat ( 50m setelah pertigaan cimareme arah ke tol padalarang / Dekat RS Kharisma Cimareme )
Phone: +62-81222202565 - BRC Pajajaran
Address: Jl. Baladewa No.1B, Bandung
Phone: +62-85320306259 - BRC Pasar Minggu
Address: Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No.12B, Jakarta Selatan (samping Masjid At Taqwa)
Phone: +62-82126815596, +62-217994141 - BRC Plered
Address: Jl. Warung Kandang Plered, Purwakarta (depan Polsek Plered)
Phone: +62-85104470789 - BRC Pondok Gede
Address: Jl. Kelurahan Jati Makmur No.5 Pondok Gede, Bekasi
Phone: +62-81218570007 - BRC Soreang
Address: Jl. Soreang Cingcin No.351A (200m dari pertigaan Gading Tutuka), Bandung
Phone: +62-85106477272 - BRC Subang
Address: Jl. Kapten Hanafiah No.88 Rt 104 Rw 29 Rawabadak, Subang (500m dari perempatan wesel ke arah PT.DAHANA/Cirebon)
Phone: +62-81223179536 - BRC Suci
Address: Jl. PHH Mustofa (Suci) Komplek Surapati Core Blok C-23, Bandung (Belakang Radio Mora FM/300m Sebelum Terminal Cicaheum)
Phone: +62-85320519977 - BRC Tasikmalaya
Address: Komplek Ruko Permata Regency Blok B2, Jl. Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya
Phone: +62-81218286886, +62-2657296869 - BRC Tebet
Address: Jl. KH. Abdullah Syafe’ie No.32 Rt 01 Rw 01 Tebet, Jakarta
Phone: +62-85100711429 - BRC Ujung Berung
Address: Komplek Sukup Baru No.4, Ujung Berung-Bandung (Belakang Pegadaian Cijambe)
Phone: +62-227800840, +62-85722157952
- BRC Antapani
- Klinik Bekam Ar-Ridho
Address: Ruko Parang Barong Square Kav 27 Tlogosari Semarang
Phone: +62-24 76747614 - Klinik Assyarif
Address: Jl. Haji Goden No. 23b, RT..08/011 Pondok Pinang Kebayoran Lama RT.9, RT.9/RW.11, Pd. Pinang, Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Phone: +62-2175907170
Protecting the flow of Qi is the most important aspect according to ancient Chinese health guides. An irregular or blocked flow can result in illness, people will feel more energetic with a steady Qi while the deceased do not have Qi. Amongst these ancient treatments, cupping is one of the things one can do to invigorate the body. On the plus side, cupping is known to be a much more natural way of treating the body and would progress oneβs state of health over time.
Have you tried cupping? Tell us your experiences in the comments down below!