All About World Cancer Day – Feb 4th, 2016

World Cancer Day 4th Feb

Did you know that 4th of February is World Cancer Day?

Since 2005, 4th of February has been marked as World Cancer Day, and aims to raise awareness of cancer. It also encourages people to know about prevention, detection, and treatment of cancer. World Cancer Day was founded by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).

2016 is going to be the beginning of a three-year campaign 2016-2018 to reduce the global burden of cancer, under tagline ‘We Can. I can.’ This will be the starting point for everyone to spread cancer awareness – a moment when we can reflect on our power to take action in fighting cancer.

Currently, 8.2 million people die from cancer every year. That’s why, it’s important to know the symptoms, detection, even prevention of cancer to reduce the impact it causes. Our participation starts from ourselves, by changing to a healthier lifestyle or spreading the messages about cancer awareness to our beloved ones. Together we can participate by creating healthy environment and work together to increase the impact of the campaign.

We can also show respect to people with cancer, encourage them to have more positive energy to fight this disease from their bodies. We have to make them feel better and not treat them as people who have a reduced life span.

We have to remember that cancer can attack everyone. It’s not a simple health issue. Our ignorance regarding lifestyle can lead to the symptoms of this disease. Approximately 30 percent of cancer cases can be cured and prevented. That’s why awareness through World Cancer Day has to be promoted, so we can fight cancer together. Just like the tagline of World Cancer Day 2016-2018 campaign: we can, I can.

Fauziah Listyo Ayunani

by Fauziah Listyo Ayunani