AQUARIUS: Astrological Predictions for 2021


Aquarius: Year of Unexpected Gains!

Saturn placed in the 12th house from your sign, will demand more discipline and hard work. This will be the perfect time for learning new skills, hiring new employees and competing against rivals. You must actively involve in your family matters related to finances.

Till 5th April, Jupiter will be in the 12th house, which will be responsible for a new beginning in every aspect. However, be careful with family members, as health may be a source of concern. Be ready to reap the fruits of your hard as the results will be just around the corner especially post March.

Saturn will give you results for your persistent efforts & Rahu will help you with unexpected gains. Yoga and meditation would be helpful for sound sleep. Be careful with investments, especially in stock markets and speculative businesses during this time.

Jupiter will be moving to Aquarius from April and this may bring some windfall. It is time to learn new things. Overall 2021 will be a fruitful year for you.

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Sundeep Kochar Celebrity Astrologer and Vaastu ConsultantPredictions for year 2021 by Dr Sundeep Kochar