ARIES: Astrological Predictions for 2021


Aries: Compassion Is Contagious, Spread It!

Mars, the planet of initiative and lord of Aries is exalted in the 10th house Capricorn and in Kendra from Aries in Capricorn. The whole combination creates tremendous energy to do great things. This is the time to work hard and to channelize one’s energy in the right direction. Those who can follow the righteous path and work hard will be rewarded this year.

There will be a boost in income throughout the year especially for those who will put genuine efforts.

Love and Romance is in the air, but marriage is on the cards during April to October. However, this year, the focus will be more on building a career and becoming a leader.

Try to help needy & poor as the combination of Saturn & Jupiter in your house of profession will help you get blessings with your compassion, as they say ‘what goes around, comes around’.

For Aries, this year’s simple mantra is: No Shortcuts, Dream Big, Work Sincerely and Follow the path of Righteousness. Success will be all yours. 

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Sundeep Kochar Celebrity Astrologer and Vaastu ConsultantPredictions for year 2021 by Dr Sundeep Kochar