Aarti Amarnani, founder WeDance: Happiness & Joy through Dance


Feel Our Vibe is the tagline for Aarti Amarnani’s Bollywood dance training company, WeDance Indonesia, a new and innovative / creative and unique/ Of Bollywood fusion dance! ‘Our intention is to bring happiness and joy to our students and we can see it the change. Our professional instructors will uplift you physically, psychologically and emotionally.’ Aarti states with a smile.

Aarti was born in Germany and relocated to Indonesia when she was 8 yrs old. She studied banking & finance in Australia and has also worked as an event organizer. ‘We realized that Bollywood dance is really popular in Indonesia so we started a We Dance in October last year with trainers and choreographers from Bollywood itself. A platform for people from all walks of life and ages to express themselves through dance’ she explained.

Through the artistic expression of dance, WeDance provides high intensity weight loss programs, a structured academy to learn Bollywood fusion dance, creative wedding choreography and team building regimes for companies of all sizes amongst other programs.

WeDance has no fixed studio and the trainers go to the students. Each class has minimum 8 and maximum 20 students who range from 3 years to 70+ years old. The one hour class is a lot of fun with high energy bollywood dance moves that exercise every part of the body. The trainer chooses the music as per the class and it ranges from old numbers to the latest songs.

The first dance class started at Raga studio in Menteng last October and the ‘women look different and dance with ease and joy’ shared Aarti.

We Dance also provides choreographer services for weddings. If you are getting married or attending one, learn the best moves to have a great time with WeDance. They currently have 2 trainers and this will grow along with their classes.

So if you want to kill two birds with one stone – exercise and learn Bollywood dance, call Aarti Amarnani today at +628170757502