Bubble Tea Recipe


Bubble Tea is a popular drink across Asia. 

Here is our recipe including the making of the tapioca pearls as well.

Ingredients for tapioca pearls:

  • 1/3 cup water
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 1 cup tapioca starch
  • ¼ teaspoon black food dye

Ingredients for bubble tea drink:

  • 300 grams of water
  • 10 black tea
  • 300 grams soy milk
  • Some maple syrup

How to make tapioca pearls:

  1. Place water in pan (medium heat)
  2. Add brown sugar
  3. Black food dye
  4. When it starts to boil add half of the starch
  5. Mix until it reaches medium consistency
  6. Turn heat off as soon as it can be gathered into a ball
  7. Add the remaining starch
  8. Pour on a flat surface and knead
  9. Knead until all traces of flour are gone and mixture is smooth
  10. Roll into a log with 1.5 cm circumference
  11. Cut into half and roll again
  12. Cut log into smaller pieces
  13. Shape each into a ball
  14. Cook for 15 minutes in boiling water
  15. Turn off heat and rest for 5 minutes
  16. Strain and let it cool

How to make boba tea:

  1. Mix in soy milk, black tea and water.
  2. Bring to boil
  3. Strain the solution and let it cool
  4. Finally, pour in the tapioca pearls, maple syrup and tea into a glass. Your boba tea is done!