
Associations News – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Brahma Kumaris

Bramha Kumari Centers in Indonesia

Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, (Brahma Kumaris in short) is a unique Vishwa Vidyalaya ( university ) and a well known spiritual value...
Bharat Club Bandung

Bharat Club: Indian Community in Bandung

  EVENTS IN BANDUNG In early 1980s some of the Indian expatriates in Bandung namely Mr. Y L Bhat, Dr. Prakash Shastri, Mr. Vinod Laroya and...
Art Of Living Centers

Art Of Living Centers

Yayasan Seni Kehidupan The Art of Living Basic Course Your first act of life is to take a breath. Within the breath is the secret of...
Indian Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia

INDCHAM – Indian Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia

INDCHAM, (Indian Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia) is an association of corporate entities and people having interests in promoting economic and business interest of...
About India Talks

About India Talks

Indians have been living for decades in Indonesia have made an impact in society in more ways than is commonly understood by the expatriate...
Gurmat School in Ciputat,Tangerang Selatan,

Punjabi Gurmat School Jakarta

A Gurmat School, foundation stone was laid on Vasakhi, April 14th 2010 in Jakarta. The aims and objectives of the Gurmat school Committee is...
Indonesia Telugu Association (ITA)

Indonesia Telugu Association (ITA)

Phone: 0815840226228, Website: ------------------------------------------------------------ TA(Indonesia Telugu Association) aims  unifying Telugu members by organizing cultural, educational, religious  and social activities in order to preserve and  promote...
Making Art Difference - Painting To Give

Making Art Difference – Painting To Give

The school is a dismal structure which stands in the middle of ‘Kampung Sawah.’ This ‘kampung sawah’ is incidentally a small forgotten piece of...