#EventReport: Father’s Day Cake Bake Along with Kavita Kapoor
Indoindians Online Event Father's Day Cake Bake Along Class with Kavita Kapoor.
This was a super duper success with over 35 participants were guided online...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 7: VASISTHASANA – dedicated to sage Vasistha
Day 7 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: VASISTHASANA - dedicated to sage Vasistha
This is the last day of the challenge. Thank you all for being with us on...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 5: URDHVA MUKHA SVANASANA- Upward facing Dog pose
Day 5 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: URDHVA MUKHA SVANASANA- Upward facing Dog pose
URDHVA MUKHA SVANASANA- Upward facing Dog pose
Going into the asana:
- Lie full length on the...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 6: PADMASANA- Lotus pose
Day 6 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: PADMASANA- Lotus pose
PADMASANA- Lotus pose
Going into the asana:
- Start by sitting on the floor with legs straight.
- Then bend the right...
#EventReport: Mandala Art Therapy with Swati Nathani
Mandala art therapy is a form of artistic process using geometric patterns in an effort to find or restore a sense of healthy mental...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 4: ADHOMUKHASWANASANA – Downward facing Dog pose
Day 4 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge: ADHOMUKHASWANASANA – Downward facing Dog pose
ADHOMUKHASWANASANA – Downward facing Dog pose
Going into the asana:
- Start by lying down on the floor...
A Series of Talks with Yoga Teachers
In anticipation of the 6th International Yoga Day on Sunday, 21st June.
Indoindians has a series of interviews with yoga teachers all of this week...
#IndoindiansYogaChallenge Day 3: VRIKSASANA – Tree pose
Day 3 #IndoindiansYogaChallenge:
VRIKSASANA – Tree pose
Going into the asana:
- Stand straight with feet together, pressing the heels and the front of the feet...