
Contributors News – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

A Month of Rumi with Anupama Jain

Anupama Jain is an avid reader of Rumi. She shared her favorite quotes to kickstart 2019 with January as 'month of Rumi', in the most...
A month of Ayurveda with Shilpa Dhoka

A Month of Ayurveda with Shilpa Dhoka

Dr Shilpa Dhoka is a Jakarta based Ayurvedacharya and holistic wellness practitioner. The whole month of February 2019, she shared her knowledge on Indoindians Facebook as...
Hon`ble PM of India Shri Narendra Modi during his recent visit to Indonesia

An Enduring Friendship: Indians in Indonesia

An Enduring Friendship: Indians in Indonesia India and Indonesia, two large, diverse ancient civilizations are separated only by a short geographical distance.  Since two millennia,...

Volunteering at Saraswati Learning Center

What is Saraswati Learning Center (SLC)? Saraswati Learning Center (SLC) is a non- profit organization working for children with special needs from newborn to 18...
Happiness way

Exercising Your Happiness Muscles

By Carl Massy: So welcome to 2019. What do you reckon we make this the best year we have ever had? In this Happiness Tips...
Happy New Year 2017

Thank YOU and Happy New Year 2019

Our aim is to bring useful information, networking and learning to our community with our online and offline events. We have been sharing and interacting...

New Year 2019​ Fashion – Make it Colorful!​ BLACK is not...

LBD or the little black dress-​owes its origin to timeless designer Coco Chanel- ​is unarguably the most preferred dressing option for most- reason being...
#Event Report Ayurveda Workshop with Dr. Shilpa Dhoka

#Event Report: Ayurveda Workshop with Dr. Shilpa Dhoka

At the 7th December 2018, Indoindians organised an Ayurveda workshop with Dr. Shilpa Dhoka. It was a well attended workshop. The workshop was divided into...