Ishan Shivanand: Helping Good People Become Better
'Start today. That is the mantra I want to give to people. Don’t procrastinate growth' said Acharya Ishan Shivanand when asked to share a...
Aarti Amarnani, founder WeDance: Happiness & Joy through Dance
Feel Our Vibe is the tagline for Aarti Amarnani's Bollywood dance training company, WeDance Indonesia, a new and innovative / creative and unique/ Of...
Blossoming into Perfect Health by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Only a healthy bud can blossom. Similarly, only a healthy person can succeed.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains that health is just not the...
Dias Mariah Qibtiah – Indoindians Team Member
Dias Mariah Qibtiah is a Communication Diploma graduate with sub major in Advertising. She grew interest in writing and digital communication during her college...
Green Notebooks from Old School Notebooks
Yet another school year and a pile of freshly covered new notebooks to start off. What about the unused pages from last year's notebooks?...
Swami Swaroopananda: Guiding Light to Infinite Truth
Swami Swaroopananda is the current Spiritual Head of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide. A disciple of the world-renowned Master of Vedanta, and champion of India's spiritual...
Myanya Khintan Sabrina – IndoIndians Team Member
Myanya Khintan Sabrina is a graduate of Universitas Gadjah Mada majoring in International Relations. Despite her drive in pursuing International Politics, writing has always...
Vegetable Lasagna Recipe by Aparna Narang
Lasagna is a popular Italian dish and usually made with non-vegetarian ingredients. This is a completely vegetarian version by Aparna Narang, very flavorful and...