
Contributors News – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Indian Restaurants in Jakarta

40 Indian Restaurants in Jakarta and Counting…

The most enjoyable way to learn more about the Indian culture is through a gastronomic journey of Indian food. Indian food is a very...
Magic Diet For a Cheerful You

Magic Diet For a Cheerful You by Aditi Srivastava, Diet Consultant...

The reason for our being is to achieve eternal happiness. A happy cheerful person spreads happiness around, projects positivity and of course is very popular. So...
Sri Sri RaviShankar

Getting high on life by Sri Sri RaviShankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Spiritual Leader, Global Humanitarian, Peace Ambassador and Founder, Art of Living.(Follow Sri Sri on Twitter @Srisri) The most basic trait of...
Mindful Eating

Do You Eat Mindfully? asks Aditi Srivastava, Diet Consultant

Eating is a natural, healthy, and pleasurable activity for satisfying hunger. However, in our food-abundant, diet-obsessed culture, eating is often mindless, consuming, and guilt-inducing...
Ibu Hartati, founder of Canting Batik

Handmade Exquisite Indonesian Souvenirs at Canting Batik

Intricately designed wall hangings or handcrafted beaded mini jackets made from antique batik fabric make exquisite Indonesian souvenirs. The brainchild of Ibu Hartati, who...

Leveraging Technology to Connect Indians in Indonesia

Indians are not strangers in Indonesia. They have been drawn to Indonesia, – a name derived from the Latin Indus, meaning “India”, and the...
Be an Indoindians ambassador and give back to the community

Be an IndoIndians Ambassador

I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; Together we can do great things ~ Mother Teresa IndoIndians started with an intention...

Pranayama- Increasing the Vital Force (Part 2) by Rutu Panjwani

In continuation of Pranayama – Increasing the Vital Force (Part 1) Correct breathing is one of the most effective ways to harness energies for effective...