
Contributors News – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

International Day of Yoga in Jakarta

Indians in Indonesia: A pinch of sugar

At just .001% of the total population of Indonesia, the approximately 300,000 Indian community is like a pinch of sugar in Indonesia, sweetening and...

Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallenge Day 4 Tree Pose or Vrikshasana

Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallenge Day 4 Tree Pose or Vrikshasana with Rutu Trivedi Panjwani. This asana improves not only balance and stability but also confidence and...

Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallenge Day 5 Upward Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svasana)

Today we are in Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallenge Day 5 with Rutu Trivedi Panjwani understanding the Upward Dog or Urdhva Mukha Svasana. This asana strengthens spine, arms...

Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallenge Day 3 Cat Cow (Marjaryasnana) with Vajrasana

Now we are on day 3 of Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallenge with Rutu Trivedi Panjawani, a trained yoga instructor. Today we look at the Cat Cow pose...

Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallege Day 2 Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

Today is day 2 of the Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallege Day 2 with Rutu Trivedi Panjwani demonstrating the Trikonasana (Triangle pose) Breathing: Inhale when you stretch to the side,...

Day 1 of #7DaysYogaChallenge Tadasana & Triyak Tadasana (Variation)

Welcome to Day 1 of the Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallenge with Rutu Trivedi Panjwani. Our first asana that we focus on is Tadasana & Triyak Tadasana (Variation) Breathing...
Indoindians 7 days yoga Challenge with Rutu Panjwani

Join the Indoindians #7DaysYogaChallenge from Monday, 23 Jan, 2017

Why Yoga? Yoga is a 5000 year old practice. It is not merely asana and pranayama but a profound science to unfold human potential. Today when...
The Biggest Relationship Tip of 2015!!!

Timeless Relationship Tip by Carl Massy

by Carl Massy: Are you being realistic? Picture this. Two people born in two different cities. Two different parents. Two different sets of beliefs installed....