
Contributors News – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Drinking Water in Indonesia

Drinking Water in Indonesia

Although Indonesia enjoys huge percentage of the total freshwater available in the Asia-Pacific region, many of the country’s water security issues are tied to...
Setting Successful Investment Goals

Setting Successful Investment Goals

“A GOAL PROPERLY SET IS HALFWAY ACHIEVED” -ABRAHAM LINCOLN Imagine putting $100 under the pillow every month and not touching the money until you decide you...
Planning for the cost of higher education

Planning for the Cost of Higher Education

‘I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.’ (Thomas Paine) We all...
Ekta Khiani

D’Lish Desserts by Ekta Khiani

D'Lish is a line of eggless cream-based layered desserts, available online, with a wide array of flavors, fillings and toppings, which in turn makes...
10 Most Exotic Beaches in Indonesia

10 Most Exotic Beaches in Indonesia

‘Life is a beach and enjoy the waves’. Put simply for many people Indonesia is the beach. With some 17,000 islands stretching between two tropical...
Relaxation is an Important of Exercise

Relaxxx… by Rutu Trivedi Panjwani

Today time management has become a primary concern. The hectic work schedules, social obligations and home management leaves little time for workout. And kudos...

Kriyas, Full Breathing and Pranayama by Rutu Panjwani

KRIYAS: Kriyas are cleansing practices. In the sense, we practice kriyas daily, like bathing, washing, brushing, etc. are all Kriyas. But yogic Kriyas refer to...
Top 9 dishes to try in Indonesia

Top 9 Indonesian Dishes You Must Try

Indonesia’s diversity in terms of geography and culture has resulted in one of the most vibrant cuisines in the world. It is full of...