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goal setting

Happy Goal Setting

By Carl Massy: One of the biggest things is that most people don't have goals, or don't think they deserve what they want, or...
happiness people 50

Living well, to and through, your 50’s, 60’s and 70’s

By Carl Massy: I turn 42 next month (that would be 16th of August if you are wondering when to send your birthday wishes)...


By Mehru Jaffer Wherever a temple, mosque and church are seen to share a wall that place deserves veneration.And recently I found a similar space...
Reiki Master Sangeeta Jaggia

Reiki Master Sangeeta Jaggia

On meeting her for the first time, she comes across as a very intelligent but modest person whose very presence puts you at ease....

Kuchipudi Dance

by  Mehru Jaffer If it were not for artistes like Anuradha Nehru, one of India's seven classical dance forms would have remained restricted to a...

Karuna Transcript

(Transcription) (Ms) Dr. Karuna Bhattacharya BIDHAN NIWAS (Retd) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Finance) 4 Bidhan Shishu Sarani The Calcutta University Flat N-6/W-2 CALCUTTA 700 054 Dial: 2337-7628 14 May 2001 (FOREWORD) Mr. Rajat Das Gupta, an eminent...




By Mehru Jaffer Two minds often watch television together in Vienna. One is Muslim and one Modern. There is much discussion over news from Iraq. But...