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By Mehru Jaffer Two minds often watch television together in Vienna. One is Muslim and one Modern. There is much discussion over news from Iraq. But...

Joy Goswami

Global Diplomat DIGITAL MEDIA, CULTURE, AND PUBLIC DIPLOMACY Courtesy: Dr. N. D. Batra, Professor of Communications, Norwich University, Vermont, USA vide website: Saturday, January 15,...

Janmakatha (=Tale of Birth)

Translation of a poem by Rabindranath Tagore (Nobel Laureate of 1913) translated by Rajat Das Gupta. Poem: Janmakatha (=Tale of Birth) from the book "Shishu"...

Melancholy Turned Euphoria

Hell hath no fury like Prince Hamlet scorned? You bet it does! Son against mother, nephew against uncle, lovers at loggerheads and man against...
Singapore - gardens by the bay

Megacity Singapore: a garden of interesting delights

by Poonam Sagar: On the final descent into Singapore and the sight of its state-of-the-art architecture and tall skyscrapers, one still cannot help but be...
Perfect Your Elevator Pitch

Is Your Pitch Perfect?

An Elevator pitch is a minute to introduce who you are, what you do and what you can offer or in some cases what...
Deepika Padukone for Tarun Tahiliani at Delhi Fashion Week

Interview with Tarun Tahliani

Poonam Sagar met with the leading fashion designers from India Tarun Tahliani this week at the India house in Jakarta and this is what...