All About Gamelan, Indonesia’s Traditional Orchestra

The word Gamelan refers to Gamel in Javanese which means the act of drumming or hitting. It's mainly predominated by percussion instruments that include...

10 Must-See Cultural 2019 Festivals in Indonesia

Festivals are colorful and extravagant. They also attract tourists—both domestic and foreign. Indonesia as a nation with 34 provinces, 700 different languages, and diverse...

The Story of Ikat – the ties that bind and weave...

From ancient trade ties to a fashion statement across 30 countries, Ikat is a really fascinating weave, which universally symbolizes wealth, power and prestige....

Museum Wayang

Javanese cultural heritage is inseparable from Wayang. Wayang is a theatrical performance with puppets or human dancer. The puppet could be made of leather (which perform...
The Seven Classical Indian Dance Styles

The Seven Classical Indian Dance Styles

Indian classical dance was nurtured in the peaceful environment of the temple. Dance became a mode of communication of the soul with the absolute....
Kavita Zaveri and friends in the Maharashtrian saree style

#7StyleSareeChallenge Day 3 – Maharashtrian Style Saree Draping

The traditional Maharastrian Nauvari (also known as Nav Vari, Nauvaree, Kasta Sari, Kacha, Sakachcha, Lugade) is a nine yards saree worn by the women...

Yu Sheng or Prosperity Toss: A Fun Chinese New Year Tradition

There is another specialty food for Chinese New Year celebration: Yu Sheng. It is often served as part of a multi-dish dinner, usually as...

Indonesian #SpecialOccasionFood: Nasi Tumpeng Recipe

There are many versions of nasi tumpeng from all over Indonesia. It is usually made to celebrate a special occasion as it is eaten in...