Indoindians Info Session Ask the Doctors

Indoindians ‘Ask the Doctors’ info session – Saturday, 18th April

Today’s truth is everyone is susceptible to catch the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading around the world, and those with compromised immune system being at...

6 Mental Health Tips During Isolation

As most of us are more accustomed to staying out than in, isolating yourself during these tough times can seem a little hard than...

What to do if you suspect you have COVID-19 in Indonesia?

Although the world is bracing itself for the coronavirus, does not mean that you should be be in a state of panic. Instead, take...

5 Ways to Stay Fit from Home

In order to have a strong immune system, eating healthy food and working out is a part of our lives that we cannot avoid....
COVID Jakarta Helpline

COVID-19 Hotline and Hospitals in Jakarta

Pasien Virus Corona BEBAS BIAYA selama perawatan di rumah sakit, sesuai Keputusan MENTERI KESEHATAN Nomor HK.01.07/MENKES/104/104/2020 ☎☎☎ HOTLINE VIRUS CORONA KEMENKES RI: 021-5210411 081212123119 ☎☎☎ HOTLINE PEMPROV DKI Jakarta: 112 119 081388376955 Here is ...
How to Prepare Yourself and Your Home for a Pandemic

How to Prepare Yourself and Your Home for a Pandemic

A pandemic is a widespread contagious disease such as the Covid-19, which infects people in one part of the world but then spreads from...
lady wearing face mask

Coronavirus pandemic: How to self-quarantine at home

Fears of the coronavirus have confined thousands as a means of slowing the spread of the infectious virus. But as coronavirus concerns spur restricted travel...

#Jamu: 3 Places to Get Jamu in Jakarta

Prevention is always better than cure. In this era of health risks, having a robust immune system is the key to health. A strong...