Fitness Tips : Muscle Soreness
The phenomenon of muscle soreness is something that has had an effect on all of us at some stage or another. Waking up the...
Fitness Tips : Posture
As I'm sure you're aware many of us have particularly poor posture. There are a variety of factors that contribute to dysfunctional posture. One...
Vriksasana (Tree Pose): Benefits, How To Do It and What To...
Vriksasana or Tree Pose is a part of yoga poses. The name is derived from the Sanskrit words vriksa or vriksha (वृक्ष, vṛkṣa) meaning "tree", and asana (आसन) meaning "posture".
7 Habits to Improve Your Brain Health
The brain is an organ that plays an important role in controlling all body functions. Therefore, brain health is very important to always be...
What Is The Difference Between Dengue Fever and COVID-19? Watch Out...
There are many perks of being in a tropical country. Lush trees, exotic fruits and animals are only some of it. Unfortunately, that also...
All You Need To Know About ‘Masuk Angin’
Who doesn't know ‘masuk angin’ in Indonesia?
Although there is no medical term and is not known in the medical world, ‘masuk angin’ is the...
All About Minyak Telon: What it is, Benefits and How To...
Is your baby feeling unwell? Minyak telon might be the answer. In Indonesia, minyak telon is used for a variety of different reasons and...
Is Coconut Oil Healthy For Cooking?
Who is not familiar with coconut oil? The benefits of this oil are many, whether it's as an addition to food or used for...