
How to Manage COVID Vaccine Side Effects

The long-waited COVID-19 vaccine is finally available worldwide, although still limited to the various protocols in each country. People are already lining up to...

All About Green Banana Flour, Its Benefits & Smoothie Recipe

These days, the health & well-being is the key. One healthy food that has slipped under the radar of health aficionados is green banana...

Yoga Trends for 2021

Yoga has been a timeless practice that has remained unchanged for centuries and provides many benefits to practitioners. Other trends change every year! Check...
Want to Stay Healthy? Try Washing Your Hands

Want to Stay Healthy? Try Washing Your Hands

Do you often fall sick??? Germs are everywhere. You may not want to think about it, but every surface around us is covered with bacteria....
Eye hospitals in Indonesia

Eye Care Centers in Indonesia

Jakarta Eye Center (JEC) Jl. Cik Ditiro 46, Menteng, Jakarta 10310 Phone : +6221 2922 1000/08041221000 Whatsapp: 087729221000 Website : Email : Jakarta Eye Center (JEC) Kedoya Jl. Terusan...
Indoindians Weekly Newsletter: Biohacking? Here is a quick guide.

Biohacking? Here is a quick Guide.

Have you heard about biohacking? One thing for sure, it has nothing to do with IT or other stuff related to computer. Biohacking is one of...

20-Minute Stair Workout at Home

Items synonymous with exercising include dumbbells, kettlebells and yoga mats. But one of the underrated items to exercise with are the stairs at home!...
All About Miso & Miso Soup Recipe

All About Miso & Miso Soup Recipe

Today, Japanese cuisine has achieved global domination in which its dishes are known all over the world. Miso, an ingredient of Japanese cuisine is most known...