lady wearing face mask

#HowTo DIY Face Masks with Filter Pocket

Here are 2 DIY patterns to make two kinds of cloth face masks with an interior pocket in which you can insert additional filter...

6 Mental Health Tips During Isolation

As most of us are more accustomed to staying out than in, isolating yourself during these tough times can seem a little hard than...

What to do if you suspect you have COVID-19 in Indonesia?

Although the world is bracing itself for the coronavirus, does not mean that you should be be in a state of panic. Instead, take...

How to Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer

Corona virus is spreading like wildfire across the globe. In Indonesia too we must all be careful as prevention is the key. For that...
COVID Jakarta Helpline

COVID-19 Hotline and Hospitals in Jakarta

Pasien Virus Corona BEBAS BIAYA selama perawatan di rumah sakit, sesuai Keputusan MENTERI KESEHATAN Nomor HK.01.07/MENKES/104/104/2020 ☎☎☎ HOTLINE VIRUS CORONA KEMENKES RI: 021-5210411 081212123119 ☎☎☎ HOTLINE PEMPROV DKI Jakarta: 112 119 081388376955 Here is ...

PARENTING IN A PANDEMIC: Stay calm, explain the facts and...

By Shareen Ratnani We have been thrown into an anxiety producing situation with the coronavirus – an unprecedented experience faced by parents with varied emotions....
How to Prepare Yourself and Your Home for a Pandemic

How to Prepare Yourself and Your Home for a Pandemic

A pandemic is a widespread contagious disease such as the Covid-19, which infects people in one part of the world but then spreads from...
lady wearing face mask

Coronavirus pandemic: How to self-quarantine at home

Fears of the coronavirus have confined thousands as a means of slowing the spread of the infectious virus. But as coronavirus concerns spur restricted travel...