Fitness Tips : The Importance Of Warming – Down

While most people are conscious of the need to warm-up, and generally diligent about including a warm-up in their routine, unfortunately they often neglect...
Cold Prevention

8 Effective Cold Prevention Strategies

There are no known cures for colds and flu, so cold and flu prevention should be your goal. A proactive approach to warding off...
Health Travel

How to Prevent Traveler’s diarrhea

Traveler’s diarrhea, as its name implies, is diarrhea associated with traveling. Diarrhoea is defined as an alteration of normal bowel movements noted with an...

Chicken Pox & Neem

"Mom, I feel sick," said my son. He complained of a headache and had a slight fever. The next day he was covered with...
Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Yes, you're feeling low, wretched and exhausted and you dont know why. Somebody prompts you to see a doctor. The doctor is good. He...
Spinal Balance for children

Spinal Balance for children

By Dr Soni: Children are as susceptible to trauma in their spines from various activities and events. These micro-traumas can subluxate the vertebrae of...
The Diet That Must Be Followed Exactly

The Diet That Must Be Followed Exactly

Here the Diet That Must Be Followed Exactly for 3 days. Try it out and share your results with us. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Breakfast 1 piece of...
As a Parent

As a Parent

As a parent, when our children get sick, one of the first things we want to do is to run to the doctor, some...