Machli Ka Salan or Fish Curry by Shabana Akbany

Machli Ka Salan or Fish Curry by Shabana Akbany

Machli Ka Salan or Fish Curry is a delectable dish. It is slightly spicy and completely delicious. Easy to make and a pleasure to eat,...

Basic Cutting and Chopping Techniques to Know

Chopping and cutting are only two of the essential kitchen technique that you might want to master. Precisely-chopped fruits or vegetables will not only...
Jaali Waali Chicken Fry by Shabana Akbany

Jaali Waali Chicken Fry by Shabana Akbany

Jaali  Waali Chicken  Fry or Talii Huii  Murgii by Shabana Akbany - a really flavorsome fried chicken recipe which is a crowd pleaser. Ingredients: 1 1/2 kg...
#Restaurant Review: Koh-e-noor

#Restaurant Review: Koh-e-noor

Our Restaurant Review journey continues with another Indian restaurant Koh E Noor, an Indian and Pakistan restaurant, located at Plaza Festival Kuningan, Jakarta. There...
How to Encourage Children to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

How to Encourage Children to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

As parents, it’s important to prevent kids from getting addicted to the ‘empty calorie’ foods such as snacks or processed foods. They have to...
Pickled Fish Recipe by Shabana Akbany

Pickled Fish Recipe by Shabana Akbany

Here is a delicious, savory way to cook fish by our favorite chef Shabana Akbany - Pickled Fish Ingredients: Fish fillets         1/2 kg - marinated with salt...
Homemade Potato Doughnut Recipe

Homemade Potato Doughnut Recipe

When I was a kid, my mom usually made sweet snacks for me on the weekend. Whether it be banana fritters, cakes, cookies, or...
Foods that Help to Cure Sore Throat

Foods that Help with Sore Throat

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates Sore throats are common for both adults and children. In a tropical country...