How to Encourage Children to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

How to Encourage Children to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

As parents, it’s important to prevent kids from getting addicted to the ‘empty calorie’ foods such as snacks or processed foods. They have to...
Tips to Develop Healthy Habits to Children

Tips to Develop Healthy Habits for Kids

It is important to develop healthy habits for kids as early as possible. As a parent, you can encourage your kids to develop healthy...
Foods that Help to Cure Sore Throat

Foods that Help with Sore Throat

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates Sore throats are common for both adults and children. In a tropical country...
5 Benefits of Doing Planks Regularly

5 Benefits of Doing Planks Regularly

Many fitness trainers cite that plank is one of the best exercises that you can do anywhere and anytime. The posture is so simple,...

Foods To Keep You Healthy During Rainy Season

Its rainy season in Indonesia. However, rainy season does not mean it will rain every day. Due to climate change, it is possible to have...
Skin Care Tips for Fitness and Gym Enthusiasts

Skin Care Tips for Fitness and Gym Enthusiasts

If you are a fitness enthusiast, sweating while you workout is a given. You would be using use many gym equipment or running at a stadium...
Reasons Why You Should Keep Cycling

Reasons Why You Should Keep Cycling

Being physically active is the key to be always fit and healthy. Regular physical activity can help protect you from serious diseases such as obesity, heart...

Sun Salutation – A Technique of Solar Vitalization by Rutu Panjwani

It is a fact that every living organism derives its energy from the Sun. Till the time the sun is radiating bright in the...