Child Reading Tips

How to Encourage Your Child to Read

As a parent you are the most influential teacher your child will probably ever have. Your conversation, activities and approach to life, in general,...
Tackle Childhood Obesity

Tackle Childhood Obesity

Is your child FAT?? Obesity in children can lead to asthma and the early onset of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood...
A Very Special French Toast Recipe

A Very Special French Toast Recipe

Serves 6; 1 slice per serving This French toast is a bit different from the usual kind. The bread is first dipped into a sweetened...
Early Education: Teach Kids to Be Smart About Money

Early Education: Teach Kids to Be Smart About Money

Good money skills are learned, not inherited. The lessons you teach and the examples you set for your kids early on will be the...
Is Your Child Gifted ?

Is Your Child Gifted ?

Academically gifted children have a number of special needs related to their individual level of intelligence and talent. Many wrongly think that placing gifted...

Gift Ideas to Thank Teachers

Teachers are natural gift givers, providing weekly gifts of their time, talent, caring and concern that far surpass that which they are paid to...
Kids And Money

Kids And Money

Allowances form the beginnings for most kids in learning to deal with money. Its critical the allowance is set up as an ongoing process...
Classic Toys that Still Rock

Classic Toys that Still Rock

Barbie ( Mattel ) Whether you love her or hate her today, chances are, if you’re female, you owned several Barbies as a child, and...