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Life News Indoindians.com – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Baba Ghanoush

Baba Ghanoush

Mencari saus yang bisa memuaskan selera teman-teman anda saat berpesta? Cobalah resep baba ghanoush ini, yang berasal dari Lebanon. Terbuat dari terong matang yang...
Salad Udang mayonaise

Salad udang Saus Mayones Kari

Jika anda ingin membuat hidangan salad yang cocok untuk sekeluarga, anda dapat mencoba untuk membuat Salad Udang Saus Mayones Kari. Tidak hanya lezat, tapi...
Chamundi Hill

Chamundi Hill

By: Yuliani Nursyahri Chamundi Hill, situated at about 1074 m above mean sea level, in Mysore, is a highly esteemed religious centre. The hill was...
6 Ways to Be Happy

6 Ways to Be Happy

Everyone wants happiness in their life. In the midst of life's obstacles and challenges that continue to come, doing something fun is one way...
Take A Firm Stand, Don't Give In To Your Child's "Tantrum"

Take A Firm Stand, Don’t Give In To Your Child’s “Tantrum”

Have you ever noticed your child drawing your attention to some mischief he has done and then waiting for your reaction ? It is...
Timun Mesanten (Cucumber with Coconut Sauce)

Timun Mesanten (Cucumber with Coconut Sauce)

Timun mesanten is a Balinese dish that consists of cucumber with coconut sauce. This recipe might seem like it would taste bland, but the...
Keripik Tempe (Crispy Fried Tempeh)

Keripik Tempe (Crispy Fried Tempeh)

Tempeh made from soybeans has a deliciously savory taste. The price is cheap and can be easily made into a variety of delicious foods,...
1 2 3 Bailey's Shake

1 2 3 Bailey’s Shake

Baileys Irish Cream is an Irish whiskey and cream-based liqueur. With a sweet and creamy taste, it is a popular after dinner drink. Once...