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Life News Indoindians.com – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Fried Okra Recipe

Serve fried okra as an unusual appetizer at your next cocktail party. You can also serve this at any meal time for the satisfying...

Time to Play

The quality of a business owners life and the success of the business is heavily dependant on sources of energy and inspiration outside the...

Cricket – A Military Exercise

By Mehru Jaffer Call me killjoy if you like but I have to say that cricket makes me cry. It reminds me too much of...
Choose The Right Book For Children

Choose The Right Book For Children

The choices aren’t wholly discouraging. Gone are the days when generations of Indian children grew up on the same staple diet of books by...
Ragda Patties

Ragda Patties

Bahan-bahan : Untuk 20 buah Ragda : 2 sdm minyak sayur 300 g bawang,Bombay, cincang 500 g kacang polong beku, siap pakai 1sdt garam 250 ml air 1sdt ketumbar bubuk 1 sdt cabai...
The Art of Origami

The Art of Origami

You can create an amazing number of objects using this ancient art of folding - here’s one that will liven any table. You need...
Bussiness Tips : 10 Ways to Keep Your Customers

Business Tips : 10 Ways to Keep Your Customers

1. SAY thank you and smile. Project an image of someone that others will want to do business with. A good attitude is a...

Arus Liar Rafting

Adventurers will enjoy rafting at the Citarik river in Sukabumi,West Java.Located in the slope of Mount Halimun National Park. Choose from various packages, from 1/2day...