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Life News Indoindians.com – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

Who Needs Supplements?

Who Needs Supplements?

These days, supplements are required to maintain the state of our health. Doctors also recommend drinking supplements for that same reason. Yet it can...
A Second Life for Dead Gadgets E-waste Management

A Second Life for Dead Gadgets E-waste Management

by Poonam Sagar : My laptop bag is generic with 2 short handles and a long shoulder strap. The other day when my daughter...
Food Pyramids

Food Pyramids

Amid all the fad diets and strange recommendations, the best advice is still what common sense dictates: Exercise regularly and eat sensibly. That means...
How to Pick the Perfect Gift for Someone

How to Pick the Perfect Gift for Someone

Birthdays, Anniversaries, welcome and farewell gifts have one thing in common, they require a lot of thought to decide, buy and wrap. The easiest...
Safety in the Water

Safety in the Water

Summer holidays mean hanging out at the beach. Water can be tempting but make sure you swim in a safe spot. Swim at a...
Keeping Your Swimming Pool Safe

Keeping Your Swimming Pool Safe

Swimming pools at home are a luxury available in many high end houses in  Jakarta. However, adequate measure and safety tips have to be...
Yoga Philosophy And Meditation

Yoga Philosophy ( Lecture 7 )

LECTURE 7 Meaning of word Yoga- karma yoga in Bhagwad Gita According to the epic Mahabharata , Arjun, his brothers, family and public used to worship...
Movie Review - Slumdog Millionaire

Movie Review – Slumdog Millionaire

This is one I just could not resist and has finally turned out to be my favorite. Inspiration came pouring into my head in...