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Life News Indoindians.com – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

#TravelTips: 4 Packing Tips For All Occasions

#TravelTips: 4 Packing Tips For All Occasions

Despite being a fun activity that is meant to ease your stress levels, we all feel travel jitters before traveling for the fear we'll...
#Wheretogo: 9 Things to do in Auckland

#Wheretogo: 9 Things to do in Auckland

Looking to go on a vacation somewhere close to Indonesia that is not mainstream? Auckland may be the place you are looking for. New...
Going Solo

Going Solo

If previously group travels were the norm, travelling solo has been the new trend that has emerged. Traveling solo brings new challenges but also...
Karari Bhindi

Karari Bhindi

Karari Bhindi or Kurkuri Bhindi is a delicious Indian side dish which you can make at home. Kurkuri means Crispy, Crunchy and Bhindi is Okra. This delicious...
Stuffed Tomatoes

Stuffed Tomatoes

During the height of tropical heat, summer vegetables are the best dishes for a summer party. But not only a summer garden party, as...
Tandoori Cauliflower

Tandoori Cauliflower

Tandoori is indeed a delicious mix of spices. It is usually served with protein such as chicken, fish or mutton. Vegetarians can also enjoy...
Beacon Academy - one of Jakarta’s youngest international schools

Beacon Academy – one of Jakarta’s youngest international schools

Beacon Academy is one of Jakarta's youngest international schools focusing on primary education. It strongly believes in educating children by providing them with an...
Canopy Walk

Canopy Walk

update: This is an old article, and the hotel, entrance tickets to the conservation area, four wheel drive etc may have changed. Try going to...