
10 Minute Ideal Core Workout for Lower Back Pain

When experiencing lower back pain, many people find themselves tempted to rest and avoid physical activity. However, did you know that movement and exercise...
9 Gym Equipment You Need at Home

5 Top Fitness Trends in 2024

The landscape of the fitness industry is in perpetual motion, consistently transforming to align with the dynamic needs and preferences of its consumers. The...
The Best 9 Horse Riding Classes in and Around Jakarta Trijaya Equestrian

The Best 9 Horse Riding Classes in and Around Jakarta

Horse riding requires a great deal of strength and balance. Equestrians must build a strong relationship with the horse they ride and do regular...
5-Minute Exercises in Bed to Treat Tense Muscles: 360 Belly Breathing with Criss-Cross Hands

5-Minute Exercises in Bed to Treat Tense Muscles

People who are busy at work often feel tension in the neck and shoulder muscles.ย  Meanwhile, the body usually does not have the energy...
6 Ways to Stay Energized Throughout the HIIT Workout: Gradual Speed Increase

6 Ways to Stay Energized Throughout a HIIT Workout

HIIT sessions can to burn calories in a short time, and this is very helpful for people who are busy but still want to...
Golf Tips

Golf Tips

Playing golf is more than just a sport-it's a social event. Of course, in this event you would like to stand out among your...
Golf Jokes

Golf Jokes

Love playing golf? Then these golf jokes will serve you well at the club. Build closer bonds with your friends and colleagues by cracking...
Exercises and Stretches for Golf Fitness

Exercises and Stretches for Golf Fitness

Golf conditioning improves performance and decreases risk of injury. Learn strength-training and flexibility exercises you can do at home and on the golf course. Warm-Up...