Computer Buying Considerations
Why buy a computer?
Think long and hard as to why you want to buy a computer. Do you want to buy a computer to...
Digital Photography
The Perfect Blend of Art and Technology
Film-less photographs, pictures on a chip, scanned memories, call it what you will, digital photography is a new...
Healthy Computer Habits
Here are some guidelines to follow for your good health at the computer:
1. Your knees, hips and elbows should be at 90-degree angles.
2. There...
Clean Your PC
Keeping your computer clean can do a lot for your system, and even your overall productivity. Sticky keyboards make it difficult to type (believe...
Protect Yourselves from Scam and Fraudulent Emails
By Poonam Sagar: We are building our lives around our wired and wireless networks. The question is, are we ready to work together to...
Is Facebook A Waste of Time
Ask many managers this question and you will receive a very blunt YES! It is a tool that can be misused, however if used...
Fight Spam
Our featured download of the week is an anti-spam program which can be downloaded for free for a 30-day trial. This is a shareware...
Fashion, Function and Fun = Cool and Connected
I just finished an 8.01km run with a pace of 5'39"/km with my Nike + GPS app. One really cool thing is every time...