#TravelGuide: Bali for the First-Timers
Bali the 'Island of Gods' is one of the ten most popular travel destinations in the world. It is funny how many people we...
7 Recommended Factory Outlets to Visit in Bandung
If you have been to Bandung over a weekend, it seems like an exodus of large busloads of people shopping for latest fashion at...
Fun Things To Do in Ancol
When we talk about things to do in Jakarta, ‘Ancol’ is on usually on top of the list. Ancol Bay City, a resort destination is...
Snorkeling with Jellyfishes at Kakaban Island, Indonesia
We have been advised many a time to avoid jellyfish, as it can sting. And it hurts. However, not all jellyfishes are poisonous. There are...
Experience and Learn the Betawi Culture at Setu Babakan
If you’ve lived in Jakarta, you’ve probably heard about Setu Babakan.
Setu Babakan serves as the center of the Betawi Cultural Village, an area that is...
How to Exercise During the Holiday Season
Yes, holidays are the time for you to unwind and maybe, skip your exercise and diet plan for a while. You will try out...
Stay Healthy While Traveling
Holiday travel always involves a lot of planning. After all 'failing to plan is planning to fail'! We plan our flights, hotel bookings, sightseeing,...
7 Photogenic Spots in Jakarta
Who says that Jakarta is not photogenic? Bring your camera to these places, and you’ll see how beautiful this city really is.
Kota Tua
This area...