Living in Indonesia

Living in Indonesia – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

#RestaurantReview: Indian section at Sailendra Restaurant, JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta

#RestaurantReview: Indian section at Sailendra Restaurant, JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta

We are never tired to give you our reviews about Indian Restaurants in town, and recommend the menus for you. And this time, we...
Indoindians Secret Food Critic

Be Indoindians Secret Food Critic & Restaurant Reviewer

Fancy being a secret food critic? Indoindians would like to invite foodies to help us review popular restaurants and hidden gems in Indonesia. This only open...
Visiting Creepy Places in Bali? Why Not!

Visiting Creepy Places in Bali? Why Not!

Are you a quirky traveler who loves to explore bizarre, extraordinary places? If yes, Bali is one of your must-go destinations. This island does not only...
Why Choose to Stay at a Villa in Ubud

Why Choose to Stay in a Villa in Ubud?

Bali, Island of the Gods, is indeed one of the most beautiful destinations in the world. It offers a lot of exotic beaches, luxury...
Gods are hoisted on poles in front of Betang

Hospitality in a Betang: Pramod Kanakath’s Trip to Central Kalimantan

It was probably the remotest part in Indonesia I have ever been to. An 8-hour drive from the small town of Palangkaraya to a...

Recommended Laundry and Cleaning Services in Jakarta

Some clothes need special attention, especially gowns and tuxedos or even dresses made of delicate fabrics. You can't just chuck them in the washing...
Expats Sport Clubs You Can Join in Jakarta

Expat Sport Clubs You Can Join in Jakarta

If you are an expatriate in Indonesia, there are many sports clubs and groups that you join in Jakarta. In these groups you will meet...
5 Beautiful Tree Houses You Can Stay in Indonesia

5 Beautiful Tree Houses You Can Stay in Indonesia

Do you dream of living in a tree house? Well your dreams can come true in Indonesia. Here are some amazing tree houses can book for your next weekend...