Living in Indonesia

Living in Indonesia – With a reach of over 100,000 active users every month, Indoindians is the only online information hub for Indians in Indonesia. Started in 2000, the website along with its social media channels and newsletter is a dynamic force in the community we serve.

#MustTryMenus: At D'Bollywood, Plaza Festival Jakarta

#RestaurantReview: D’Bollywood, Plaza Festival Jakarta

Compared to other Indian restaurants in Jakarta, D'Bollywood is considered as a 'new player'. But, its presence in Jakarta's Indian culinary landscape has been growing....
International Schools in Bandung, West Java

International Schools in Bandung, West Java

Bandung too has a large expatriate and local population interested international standard education for their children - an international environment where they will not...

International Schools in Semarang

Semarang, the capital city of Central Java is fift largest Indonesian cities after Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and Medan. The beautiful city is also home to...
5 Recommended Shoes Cleaning Services in Jakarta

5 Recommended Shoe Care & Cleaning Services in Jakarta

I bet you have been looking for information on shoe care & cleaning services in Jakarta for your prized shoe collection. The tropical weather is really...
Firdos Dupattawala, the Owner of D’Bollywood Restaurant Jakarta

Firdos Dupattawala, the Owner of D’Bollywood Restaurant Jakarta

The Indoindians team visited D’Bollywood to meet with the owner, Firdos Dupattawala. It is indeed surprising to learn of how he started his restaurant. “I’m actually not coming...
7 Best Golf Courses in Jakarta and Its Surrounding Areas

7 Best Golf Courses in Jakarta and Its Surrounding Areas

Golf is one of the chances for us to unwind and relax. Thankfully the city has a plenty of golf courses where you can...
Places to Visit While You’re at Surabaya

#WhereToGo: Places to Visit While You’re in Surabaya

Surabaya, the capital of East Java, is the second largest city in Indonesia, and known as Kota Pahlawan or “city of heroes”. This name is...
Volunteering in Jakarta

Contributing & Volunteering in Jakarta: Ways to Give Back to Your...

“Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give.” ~ Ben Carson As good citizens, we understand that we must embrace our responsibility...